Santa Cruz County Greenway

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Petition Comments

Over 1,000 Santa Cruz County residents submitted comments supporting Greenway’s vision for a wide, safe, environmentally friendly, and economically feasible trail through the county. The thoughtful, heartfelt comments are below.

The Petition Statement:

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“You have provided real vision rather than fantasy. Thank you.”
– Ted Burke, Capitola

“As a candidate for Capitola City Council, the Trail-Only scenario is best for the residents of Capitola as reflected in the Vision Capitola report.”
– Sam Storey, Capitola

“We need to do everything reasonably possible to encourage our community to turn off their computers and get active.”
– John Martinelli, Watsonville

“As a member of the Regional Transportation Commission, I learned the value of owning the rail corridor. During the process of accomplishing that, I also learned the many, real difficulties, both political and physical, connected with ever using it for passenger rail service. When visiting my hometown, along the Great Allegheny Passage, I saw what can happen when people agree to compromise. It’s time to do that here in Santa Cruz. We have the opportunity to be part of taking a magnificent step forward, creating a legacy for our community and our children. Let’s say ‘yes’.”
– Emily Reilly, Santa Cruz

“The trail-only solution will work! I want to safely ride my bike to work from the Westside of Santa Cruz to Capitola. We don’t need a train.”
– Carrie Birkhofer, Santa Cruz

“The rail-with-trail option would lead to a more expensive, less pleasant trail, that will take much longer to implement. There are better transit options like light-rail on arterial streets, bus-only lanes, and new technologies.”
– Ron Goodman, Santa Cruz

“I whole-heartedly support a trail-only initiative.”
– Doug Erickson, Santa Cruz

“The cost of rail will make it infeasible.”
– Gayle Ortiz, Capitola

“I’m signing because my husband was killed on the Murray St. Bridge over the harbor while riding his bike (on July 10, 2018). Had there been a trail over the train bridge his death would likely have been prevented. We need to get bikes away from cars (and trains). Bike fatalities make people afraid to ride in town. We need to encourage cycling and the trail-only plan will do that.”
– Tutti Hacking, Santa Cruz

“The Great Santa Cruz Trail will TRANSFORM the way we get to and from work and school, and how we enjoy our spectacular natural wonders. I am pro-rail and public transit but the Coastal Corridor is NOT the place for it.”
– Casey Kirkhart, Santa Cruz

“Rail is a waste of money. Nobody will use it.”
– William Rodoni, Santa Cruz

“The time is now for a great multi-use (walking/biking) trail. Our community already has a significant number of bicycle-only commuters, and this trail could help accelerate that trend, allowing further economic growth without adding additional road congestion.”
– Keri Waters, Santa Cruz

“I believe that the trail-only is the best future choice for Santa Cruz.”
– Gary Griggs, Santa Cruz

“It’s simple: A bicycle and pedestrian safe route with minimal elevation gain will promote more citizens to get out of their cars and into a healthier commute with the added benefit of social interaction.”
– Peter Stanger, La Selva Beach

“I am looking forward to a world class trail (ONLY). The alternative to TRAIL-ONLY is a tourist train that will only allow people on the trail in a few sections. None of the trestles will be available to people who want to use the trail, as we will have go below each trestle to places like Capitola. This trail would be a huge tourist destination. Right now bikes can beat cars across town during rush hour. Imagine being able to do the ride without any traffic and threat of getting smashed by a car. The sensible thing to do is to give back the $11 million grant, railbank the tracks, and put all the energy in to making this corridor for pedestrians and bicyclists to enjoy. After seeing other communities use their old rail lines as greenways, it has become clearly evident that this will be the crown jewel of Santa Cruz County! This will be an asset for local residents who need an efficient and safe way to get across town or just to recreate. The biggest bonus is that tourist will come from all over, to enjoy the beauty that it will offer. It’s not just a greenway, but a blue way as well.”
– Barbara Roettger, Santa Cruz

“My experience with the rail converted to bike/ped trail in Monterey is that it has become a cherished resource for locals and tourists. It is one of their main attractions. They realized a train was incompatible with a trail. The same is true here. My students at New Brighton Middle School are forbidden by law to skateboard to school through Capitola. To be able to utilize the (also forbidden) trestle to skate or bike or walk would reduce parent driver traffic and empower kids to be independently mobile. Also, voters can always change the trail to a RxR track in the future. Let’s turn it into a useable resource now rather and a decade out. Lets open the trestle in Capitola to public use! It is a scenic asset the city should draw attention to. Also, it is the only practical route for bikes and pedestrians, many of whom are students in the Soquel School District, to avoid the Esplanade. There have been numerous collisions between cars and kids in this area (one of whom was my son hit by a car that made a sudden turn left across the heavy commute traffic by Depot Hill). Skateboards have been made illegal for collisions in this area. We need the trestle open, but a train will make it permanently off-limits for bikes and pedestrians.”
– Dean Cutter, Santa Cruz

“I am signing because I support the trail-only scenario.”
– Susan Westman, Capitola

“This plan is one that works for all. With a bike and pedestrian path and railbanking, this is a feasible and realistic use of the rail corridor to its full potential in our lifetimes.”
– Jackie Nunez, Santa Cruz

“We need a bicycle trail system in Santa Cruz.”
– William Ow, Santa Cruz

“Proud supporter of Trail-Only!”
– Rose Filicetti, Capitola

“The trail-only solution is the only way forward for the corridor that makes sense for our community. A trail-only use of the corridor will bring amazing and lasting benefits to our community. The train to nowhere is wholly impractical and will never be built.”
– Sebastian Frey, Aptos

“Because the trail-only option makes the most sense for our community and it would be a huge added benefit to both locals and tourists alike. A trail-only option would create such wonderful way to get around town not mention be a great benefit for both locals and tourists alike. Trying to add a train simply doesn’t make sense for the space of our corridor not to mention all the clear-cutting of trees and added fences separating neighborhoods would be a huge bummer!”
– Tyler Fox, Santa Cruz

“A walking and bicycle trail connecting the communities of South County to North County sounds SO amazing! Pedestrian and bicycle friendly and so much safer and more affordable than a trail with a train running along side it!”
– Kym Dewitt, Capitola

“I agree! Yes trail! No rail! It’s the smart thing to do! I am signing because I think trying the “trail-only” option is certainly worth a try, given the expense and time any sort of rail (besides outmoded diesel freight trains) will entail. We as a community will be able to make a more informed decision when better transportation technologies are available for public transportation.”
– Patrice Boyle, Santa Cruz

“In addition to the above [petition] points, I am also convinced that personal electric devices are a better clean transportation future than trains and can be done in a way that is even more socially equitable at a fraction of the cost.”
– Sibley Simon, Santa Cruz

“I want to be safe while driving my wheelchair to my daily errands.”
– Ernestina Saldana, Soquel

“I’m into trails not rails. Trains are a big and stinky 19th century technology and doesn’t yield to anything or anyone. This county doesn’t have the density to support viable passenger rail. White elephant.”
– Mark Davidson, Scotts Valley

“I’m a bike rider and would like safer streets and paths to ride on with my family. Also it’s time that this expensive county get up to the standards like many other beach communities to have a long safe walking/riding trail for people.”
– Tricia Cross, Capitola

“This is the best idea for our healthy and active lifestyle here in Santa Cruz. Thank God we can all make this happen by our vote, and total commitment to create this world class trail here in SC. This can be available for us now, and our generations to follow.”
– Arthur Faygengoltz, Aptos

“I believe a bike and walk trail will be used by more and the negative impact and blight caused by trains in our tightly packed town will be too much to justify the low ridership.”
– Christine Bowman, Capitola

“I love rail trails, I love walking/running/biking around the tracks, I would love to have a safer, more beautiful place to do so.”
– Amy Rocheleau, Soquel

“I am a woman who commutes to work by bike. I’d like to have a safer and easier way to get across town. I think​that best use of the rail corridor is a beautiful park like path for cyclists, walkers and equestrians.”
– Alicia Stanton, Santa Cruz

“I bike from Watsonville to Santa Cruz 2 times a week.”
– Pedro Bonilla, Watsonville

“Trails are user friendly- even though I love trains they do not supplement or significantly improve the community and haven’t for years.”
– T. Leonard Mayer, Soquel

“I love trains, always have. I have traveled by train tens of thousands of miles, commuting, exploring, and simply to get somewhere. At first blush I thought there was a good opportunity to use this infrastructure, but any honest analysis of our community, its needs and future, and the economics involved shows that the trail-only is the best option by Millions of dollars. The train we need is a sensible bus strategy and a bus only shoulder solution on the highway.”
– Charles Wilcox, Santa Cruz

“We don’t have or want the population density needed to support a rail line.”
– Craig Calfee, Watsonville

“This would be such a beautiful, safe way to ride around Santa Cruz. I would use this trail often! Make it happen!”
– Paula Woods, Santa Cruz

“We love to ride our bikes but there are no safe places. This trail would allow us to get safely from place to place in our county. A train will be too expensive and NOT get used. It is another waste of taxpayers money!”
– Laurie Hunkel, Soquel

“I want to use an e-bike to commute, and this would be much safer and more fun than some of the roads. I like rail, but this one sounds like way too much buck and too little bang.”
– Aaron Clegg, Santa Cruz

“We need this Greenway! No one wants to bike or walk next to a train. Not only will this be a beautiful asset to our community but it will finally be easy and safe for many people to use this corridor to commute to work and do business. What a better way to get where you need to go than driving on our congested roadways and sitting in traffic!”
– Shawn Schaefer Coulson, Santa Cruz

“The Greenway Trail makes sense for people with disabilities, providing accessibility and safety that this county needs.”
– Mary Lou Sanders, Santa Cruz

“I want a safe place to bike and run for myself and my children.”
– Amoreena Laura, Santa Cruz

“This seems like a win-win. We definitely need a safer way for bikes and peds from Santa Cruz to Davenport. The train seems more of a novelty item. We need safe and separated bike lanes everywhere.”
– Saralee McCormick, Santa Cruz

“This is the next use of that corridor. A rail here will be too costly & won’t be used. It’s ok to rethink this one.”
– Carol Tolbert, Santa Cruz

“I brought my family to Santa Cruz from Orange County, CA in 1977. Forty years later the kids are grown, the grandkids are grown, I’m old, and there are no safe well lit ways to get across town on foot, bike or skates. I think it’s time.”
– Michelle Miranda, Santa Cruz

“I truly believe this would be a tremendous gift to our county. Giving people an alternative to the highway to travel to work and giving families and tourists a fun and healthy way to explore our beautiful county. Let’s make this happen!”
– April Hernandez, Watsonville

“Keeping it green, quiet, slow paced life in Santa Cruz; it’s not about quantity but quality.”
– Kristine Franck, Santa Cruz

“I would love to be able to ride my bike with my kids an not worry about getting hit by a car. Santa Cruz is awful for biking because the the bike lanes are too small.”
– Miranda Myhre, Soquel

“I believe that a “Trail-Only” solution provides the most environmentally friendly solution and delivers the most community benefit the dollars invested from a short term and long term basis. The financial burden and impact of a little used rail system will require us to redirect valuable budget dollars to pay for maintenance of a little used system that benefits a very few. With a Trail-Only corridor, the entire community will be able to leverage it’s create by providing a unique transportation corridor accessible to everyone at all income levels.”
– Ben Stanger, Capitola

“This is a great way to make Santa Cruz one of the nation’s best communities for an active outdoor based lifestyle. This trail would be absolutely world class. It would put Santa Cruz on the map for promoting the kind of active outdoor life style we love in California. Every small community along the coast would increase its vibrancy and reduce nightmarish parking conditions. Sign me up.”
– Soren Bjorn, Santa Cruz

“I totally support this idea. It is awesome. I am grateful people are working to make a trail-only option come into reality. Thank you.”
– Darcy Thole, Santa Cruz

“My family enjoys biking and want the safest option of a trail-only solution. No rail and no more getting hit by cars. Thanks!”
– Will Hahn, Santa Cruz

“Responsible, safe uses of public space are crucial to the wellbeing of our community. Passenger trains don’t bring the ridership numbers to make good fiscal sense. Shipping fuels by train through the corridor is dangerous to our ecologically-sensitive areas on the Monterey Bay.”
– Kim Jaspers, Watsonville

“Our communities were designed for everybody to use their car to go everywhere all the time. I think we need to correct that horrible mistake, and make bicycles a viable and safe transportation option. Places that are serious about bicycle transportation, like many European cities, realize that segregating bicycles onto their own path is the only to get many people onto their bicycles for routine trips. Having pedestrians and bicycles share a popular highly travelled path is just a recipe for conflict and inefficiency. If you as a car driver wouldn’t want pedestrians routinely strolling down and straddling all the way across the major roads you drive on, why do you think it’s less of an issue for bicyclists? This is the best way to correct our car-only infrastructure mistake of the past. This alone would greatly improve bicycle infrastructure.”
– Bill Martin, Santa Cruz

“Monterey county has a beautiful bike path that runs along the coast and thru the tourist areas. It is wonderful. We should have that here.”
– Mike Lelieur, Santa Cruz

“The trail-only option makes much more sense, especially with railbanking to keep that option if or when transit technology makes it economical to implement.”
– Sandra Caruba, Santa Cruz

“The Greenway will provide a safe way to commute and exercise for all ages. I’ve experienced bicycling a greenway in Indianapolis - the Monon Trail - built on a section of former railroad tracks that went from Indianapolis to Chicago - and it was phenomenal. Tiny cafes, bicycle repair/rental shops and wooden gazebos with benches and picnic tables dotted the path.”
– Rene Denevan, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I’m a 32 year critical care nurse and I read that non-communicable diseases are reduced by 37% when we walk/bike greater than 500METs per week, and reduces crime, and is sustainable.”
– Tammy Sager, Santa Cruz

“The RTC has hijacked this hoping for big dollars to support a railway that isn’t feasible. Monterey got to build their trail already without train.”
– Bruce Werder, Aptos

“The train will not be an effective use of money to move people where they need to go. Make use of Railbanking for later and use the trail NOW.”
– Martin Mogaard, Scotts Valley

“A train would run literally against homes in some areas. It would be intrusive & loud. It is not a good choice financially. A green belt would enhance & serve our community & population by offering a beautiful & practical way to get around.”
– Dorothy Smith, Santa Cruz

“I ride my bike and so does my husband who has been hit by a car before. Stay safe.”
– Mallory Baggerman, Santa Cruz

“I would love to have safe bike and pedestrian access from Aptos to other parts of Santa Cruz county for myself and my family!”
– Sharon Kluger, Aptos

“I want our kids and others to have a safe pathway to bike around town for recreation and work. This is a no brainer! It’s the best way, and a train is grossly inappropriate!”
– Al Adamsen, Capitola

“I am a RN and concerned citizen. Love riding, walking, and enjoying our paradise!”
– Elizabeth Magen, Santa Cruz

“I would like my kids to have more safe outdoor spaces to adventure and potentially prolong the need for them to get behind the wheel!”
– Alissa Ingram, Aptos

“There will be much more benefit to the people of Santa Cruz County by having a Trail-Only design. The railroad is a leftover from a bygone era. Time to look forward and move on. We should be setting an example for healthier living, not preserving the investments for whomever stands to profit off of the rail line.”
– Jim Winters, Soquel

“Medically I require the use of a mobility scooter. This trail would provide a huge improvement in my quality of life compared to using public roads and poorly maintained sidewalks with constant drive way diversions.”
– Ronald Bingham, Watsonville

“I am signing because I would love to bike to work. I just signed on at Palo Alto Medical Clinic and it would be a wonderful way for me to commute to work!”
– Naina Biswell, Aptos

“This trail would open Santa Cruz to active commuting on bikes & e-bikes. Love trains but THIS train will preclude a world class trail and be cost prohibitive for our community.”
– Robert Quinn, Santa Cruz

“The Santa Cruz County rail corridor is a magnificent ribbon of land that showcases the beauty of our County. Removing the tracks will allow a world-class trail to be built that everyone in the County can use and enjoy. A pedestrian and bike trail can improve mobility and bring economic benefits to the County through tourism and low-cost alternative commuting. Let’s build this world-class trail now!”
– Ellen Martinez, Aptos

“With all the biking in SC County, this is a good measure to get on a ballot. This would really embrace more cycling in the community.”
– John Burke, Aptos

“Santa Cruz needs to walk the talk and become the progressive town it claims to be. Get this done.”
– Danny Brothers, Felton

“I will enjoy the trail on a regular basis! I would not use a train.”
– Benna Dimig, Watsonville

“Train will never be more than a bloated money sucking tourist gimmick that will do virtually nothing to alleviate our horrible traffic gridlock on Highway One. At least the trail-only option encourages people to get out and exercise and potentially will attract more “green minded” tourists who may park their cars when coming here and consider walking or biking around.”
– Andrea Ratto, Watsonville

“It is good for the county as a whole. It is beautiful, that brings tourists here; that improves local businesses. I would like to see it for the enjoyment of locals. Everyone wins.”
– Mary Ann Sheehy, Soquel

“A safer way to get across town not to mention its beauty will be an attraction for visitors and locals alike!”
– Paige McQuillan, Scotts Valley

“Greenway Santa Cruz is presenting the obvious and best use of the railroad corridor. Currently pedestrian and bicycle transportation across town is dirty, unsafe and inefficient. This plan solves all of these problems and will make Santa Cruz and surrounding areas an even better place to live and recreate.”
– Jared Figurski, Santa Cruz

“I’d like to be able to ride my bike without the rail!”
– Ann Carr, Watsonville

“I believe the freeway should be developed so that there is one lane for buses & multi passenger vehicles; and, the money saved from a railroad boondoggle can go to buses, disabled & bike improvements, county roads, the trail, and the freeway as stated in the first sentence. Both RR trestles over the freeway in Aptos will need to be torn down if there is no rail; that’s good because that stretch of Hwy 1 is now a choke point for the greater number of tradesman coming from Watsonville; and CalTrans estimates that it will cost them some 20 million + more if they have to double decker a highway expansion with the trestles in place because they must dig down to make this work. What is the organization’s policy in this regard?”
– Ben Vernazza, Aptos

“So many years of conversation about implementing a rail system throughout SC County on existent tracks. I never really felt this option would be a viable choice for members of our community to use on a daily basis for commuting. In addition to the cost associated with that project etc., SC doesn’t need a slow-moving Napa Wine train with limited transfer service out to the community from the depots. Now, a bike/pedestrian trail can be used by all persons in our community including the disabled community to get exercise, be outdoors knowing they are in a safe corridor, away from traffic! And, less expensive? This makes more sense, can be implemented sooner and hey, connect it with trails that continue south to Monterey! The time for action is now!”
– Maria Granados-Boyce, Soquel

“I think this will be a good idea for all parties.”
– Eriberto Velasquez, Watsonville

“The trail will strengthen our community and will allow everyone easier access to enjoy the beautiful area we live in.”
– Daniel Gomez, Aptos

“I use my bike more often than my car and I think that providing citizens with a path will cut fossil fuel use.”
– Isaac Destout-Chavez, Watsonville

“(1) Protecting the environment. (2) Fiscal sanity, the cost would be outrageous and as always, the financial burden would again fall on the community, especially the younger generation.”
– Petronella Van Dam, Santa Cruz

“I ride public transit like crazy and I know that the rail option will never be used for serious commuting unlike a trail-only for bikes.”
– Diego Link, Santa Cruz

“The trail-only/rail-banking option adds immediate value to our communities and is the only practical step forward at this time. Consider the positive impacts of completing the Arana Gulch trail for a glimpse of the possibilities a trail corridor offers us.”
– Craig Wilson, Soquel

“I rode my bike for a living for a long time and rode in major cycling-friendly cities such as San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and even Oakland. I moved back home to Santa Cruz and was shocked at how horrible the cycling infrastructure is. For such a “progressive” city, SC seems to have no clue as to how to make safe ways for cyclists to get around town. I have continually found myself riding in a bike lane that suddenly disappears with no warning and I am thrown into a car traffic lane with no shoulder. I couldn’t imagine having less confidence in my cycling ability or having children and trying to get around town with them. The main purpose of the whole rail-trail is to get cars off of the road and having a dedicated bike/walking path from Santa Cruz to Watsonville is the best way to do it. It goes through major residential corridors and would be easy to access for a number of people and is close enough to the commercial corridors that those who choose to use it to go to work would not have to spend much. Also, think about the reduction in beach traffic! People could just ride their bikes there, reducing so much congestion in those neighborhoods that border our beaches.”
– Colleen McLaughlin, Santa Cruz

“We are an active community. Trails would get far more use than a rail system, and at a fraction of the cost.”
– Nicole Ottaviano, Santa Cruz

“To ease traffic congestion, we need more pedestrian and bicycle routes across town and this trail will provide that. Let’s get people outdoors walking and biking through the county! The Trail will be most useful for those activities so now give us the trail!”
– Diane Koenig, Santa Cruz

“A safe environment for fitness and mental health.”
– Michael Burns, Santa Cruz

“Help improve health and quality of life in Santa Cruz County! The rail option is too expensive, and, more usable space is required for safe spacing between cyclists and pedestrians.”
– Greg Rauch, Ben Lomond

“I value the preservation of the habitat along the railway corridor and strongly value an option for bikers, runners and walkers to move along the different parts of the County without traveling on Hwy 1 or Soquel Drive.”
– Devin Avey, Aptos

“My family is ready to enjoy the trail now without the train. Pull up those tracks, lay down a pedestrian path and let’s start using the trail. It is safer, quieter, cheaper and more practical as a trail-only. It is the best-use and everyone can enjoy it. I love to walk and bike with my family. This trail will give us a safe and efficient connection across the county. Let’s do this NOW.”
– Moshe Vilozny, Santa Cruz

“I would benefit greatly from this path, as someone who already walks around on the train tracks to get around town.”
– Jackson Reitan, Capitola

“Cyclists and pedestrians are the most environmentally sound and health conscience options to our transportation needs.”
– Charles Baylis, Watsonville

“I live by the tracks and want my kids and others to be safe riding all the way to the Boardwalk. Right now, it’s not safe, particularly west of Seabright. This reason is on top of what would be low ridership, noise, and a high economic opportunity cost of not having greater mobility around town. I lived in Europe for nearly six years. An evolved, community-first, environmentally respectful society would have had the passage converted to a trail long ago.”
– Ar Adamsen, Capitola

“There is only room for either a trail or rail, not both. Rail will be a huge money pit for decades due to low ridership, preclude building an attractive trail, and do little to relieve traffic on our roadways. The trail is affordable. It will encourage more people to walk and bike rather than drive for short trips. It will attract tourist just as Rails-to-Trails has in so many other places. Trail-only, please!”
– Stephen Mills, Aptos

“By the time the county is ready for a mass transit solution, new technologies will arrive that will make the tracks obsolete. For now, tear out the tracks and get the best use of the corridor- transporting people on bikes, e-bikes, solar scooters and perhaps a small commercial jitney. Increased use of the corridor by walkers and bicyclists should substantially decrease the number of bad characters engaged in illegal activities there.”
– Jennifer Anderson, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because this is a project which would benefit the community right away. Santa Cruz desperately needs safe biking options, and this project would provide that.”
– Spring Smith, Santa Cruz

“Our county will greatly benefit from a trail system: exercise, greater sense of community. I see zero benefit to having a train: expensive, loud, disrupts traffic, doesn’t add to community health. We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world and have perfect weather; why can’t we access all of this by bike? Also, there are almost zero ways for community members to exercise in a fun and easy to access manner.”
– Cari Moore, Watsonville

“I agree with the conclusions of the Great Santa Cruz Trail Study that a multi-use path for pedestrians, bikes and electric bikes is the best use of the rail corridor and that a train does not deliver the ridership, safety, or other benefits to justify its enormous cost.”
– Franks Sharon, Watsonville

“I support the trail-only option now. The cost of retrofitting, excavating, rebuilding, etc. are too high. A scenic multi-use trail is feasible, timely, and will do more to protect the scenic beauty of our Monterey Bay.”
– Sally Smith, Ben Lomond

“I strongly support a pedestrian bike trail. I also strongly support a commuter train but not in this location.”
– Matt Kotila, Santa Cruz

“I believe it’s the best option for us people to move at basically no cost.”
– Luis Leon, Watsonville

“After visiting many communities that have rail-to-trail recreation areas, I’m convinced that having one in Santa Cruz County will not only get much more use from locals than the rail option, but it will also draw more visitors and encourage healthy and safe activity. We’ve lived—and walked and biked—in this county for over 40 years and I have no doubt that my family would put the trail-only option to good use. On the other hand, I can’t imagine a rail service justifying its existence.”
– Janet Byers, Aptos

“I support railbanking the tracks and building a wide, multi-modal, fenceless, inclusive, ADA supported trail that has open access points throughout.”
– Tim Brattan, Santa Cruz

“Every example of a bike trail has been a success around the country. Very few if any rail lines have been a success. The cost analysis is greatly flawed for a rail line and there is no way a train can go 25MPH which would be needed to meet the proposed timetable.”
– Greg Crandall, Aptos

“I’ve done an enormous amount of research on the rail corridor. It is increasingly apparent that a passenger train is not only an inefficient and expensive use of the corridor, it will simply never happen. It is time to use this remarkable resource to benefit our community. The rail corridor could easily become one of the best rail trails in the world. I love trains, but only when they make sense. A short, very expensive train on a single track simply makes no sense. On the other hand, without a train track, there’s plenty of room for a path for pedestrians and a bi-directional path for active transportation (people on bikes, e-bikes, scooters, etc.). Let’s get rid of the tracks and build a world class rail trail now!”
– Will Mayall, Santa Cruz

“We need a decent alternative to driving, and this is it. Biking on the roads is dangerous.”
– Sheila McLaughlin-Mayang, Santa Cruz

“The trail-only option appeals to me as the most affordable plan and more as the best, safest, nicest option for Santa Cruz citizens. I work with disabled adults. When this trail is finished, it will provide a safe way for many people with disabilities to access their community with minimum or no support.”
– Joe Shimpfky, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz needs this amazing project and will be made richer by it. It will attract even more international visitors to our wonderful Monterey Bay.”
– Andres Wolff, Santa Cruz

“Trail-Only! A train would require a place for riders to park, already extremely limited in most areas. Riders would still need their own transportation from a station to their ultimate destination. Trains are noisy and would lower property values along the route, while a trail near a home would increase values. One only needs to see how few people ride our bus system to see how much this train idea would need to be subsidized by more taxes.”
– Dan Brune, Aptos

“I’m tired of taking my life in my hands every time I want to bike in Santa Cruz.”
– Mike Englade, Santa Cruz

“A bike path will make my commute much safer. I don’t know anyone personally that is interested in a train commute from Watsonville to Santa Cruz.”
– Joseph Salgado, Watsonville

“I would love to see a better use of this stretch of land that can be a pleasant corridor of sustainable transportation and enjoyment. I’m in favor of providing affordable, safe and pleasant transportation methods for bikes and pedestrians, as well as a way to promote a beautiful place for all to enjoy the coastline.”
– Tamara Myers, Santa Cruz

“Bike riding in Santa Cruz as it is now is very dangerous and because alternative transportation is good for Mother Earth.”
– Anna McGuire, Santa Cruz

“I believe that a train will: A) not alleviate congestion on Hwy 1 because the quantity of riders will be low; B) be prohibitively expensive to build and maintain; C) a bike trail is a healthier and more enjoyable option for both commuters and recreational cyclists.”
– Michael Manzo, Santa Cruz

“Let’s have a quiet corridor in town. We have enough noise and not another very expensive train which I would never use.”
– Maya Sapper, Santa Cruz

“Once in a lifetime, maybe several lifetimes, opportunity to do the right thing - forward thinking towards a sustainable future, not looking back over our shoulders to a past that will never arrive.”
– Laurie McCann, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz needs and will benefit by a trail-only on the rail corridor. This is health-promoting, quiet, beautiful and inexpensive compared to noise and air polluting train options. The trail should be built now. This beautiful greenway will link our communities to enjoy nature and enhance health, without rails or pollution.”
– Glenn Saltz, Aptos

“There needs to be a safe, viable alternative to automobile travel. I shop by bike, ride to restaurants, etc.. Build it and they will come for the greatest good.”
– Hans Bruning, Santa Cruz

“I believe the rail plan is too expensive and people will actually use this trail.”
– Elaine Holligan, Watsonville

“A diesel only train will NOT remove enough cars from the freeway and will NOT be self-supporting by train tickets. This has been studied for 20 years, and all conclude the same. To the SCCTRC: Please listen to your constituents. there is no shame to admit that there are better options in the future for this valuable corridor. But diesel trains on one-way tracks are NOT the answer now or in the future. Please retain the right-of-way for Greenway now, and future electric or maybe even Elon Musk’s idea of tubes that are low impact, low carbon, and meet the needs of our very dispersed work force / work place destinations. Numerous studies for last 20 years have shown that a diesel train is NOT cost effective, or even possible. PLEASE listen to the expert studies that us taxpayers have funded! Thank you.”
– Dana Bland, Aptos

“Santa Cruz County’s coastal corridor is an asset which deserves to be used by active recreational and transportation users, which will allow kids to go to school, will connect neighborhoods like never before, will provide a new way route to get around for the disabled, the elderly, plenty of pedal powered or electric assist pedal powered vehicles users to get around to their music lesson, community meetings and of course work! Do not pass on this historical conversion into a greenway within the county to bring in a whole new array of healthier habits for all! Time for a world-class trail now!”
– Sandrine Georges, Santa Cruz

“Because I believe that walking/biking is healthier for us and the environment than train or car emissions in the long run.”
– Socorro Alfaro, Watsonville

“I have traveled to other counties and states and enjoyed those rails that have been converted to trails. As a long term (37 years) resident of Santa Cruz, who also bikes, walks, runs, and hikes, I would use the trail on a daily basis. I further am pleased that this trail will allow persons confined to wheelchairs to get off the streets and roads and enjoy the beauty of the trail. Please join me in supporting the Great Santa Cruz Trail.”
– Theresa Mantz, Santa Cruz

“I ride my bike everywhere, I have seizures and cannot have a license. I have never rode a train from SC to Capitola.”
– Scott Farber, Santa Cruz

“I feel the train is too costly and will not be utilized to it’s full potential. There is a huge need for safe pedestrian and bicycle traffic.”
– Erick Fernandez, Watsonville

“I love trains, but...a train along that corridor doesn’t make much sense. A safe, contiguous 30-mile bike/walk path would be awesome. A 30-mile path broken up by lots of detours onto surface roads would be entirely less awesome.”
– Tony Dean, Santa Cruz

“A Rail to Trail conversion would result in a”Linear Park”that would be the jewel of Santa Cruz County. A world class trail would be a safety corridor for children and adults that want to ride and walk for fitness and transportation. There are better and more cost-effective solutions than trains to reduce traffic congestion, improve transit connectivity and lower carbon emissions.”
– William Menchine, Santa Cruz

“After reading the RTC’s feasibility study regarding the costs and benefits of a train- use for this corridor, it is clear that a train will cost an unacceptable amount of money and provide the county with very little in the way of transportation solutions or enrichment to our community. A trail-only use would be a visionary choice that actually changes the way our county deals with transportation, public health, environmental stewardship and community building (to name but a few benefits). Don’t allow the fact that energy has been expended on this train idea to blind you to the fact that it is by far not the best choice. Honestly, doing nothing would be a better choice than this train.”
– Monique Kremer, Santa Cruz

“Trail-Only. Also, I advocate disbanding the SCCRTC, return the prop 116 funds and return control of the corridor to the County and Cal Trans if possible. The salaries and lack of progress that Dondero and company have demonstrated is appalling. There should be a grand jury investigation.”
– Brian O’Connor, Aptos

“I am signing this petition because after reading pages of documents about Progressive Rail and seeing for myself how the rail would disrupt neighborhoods by widening the trail for accommodating the train and trails, cause noise with whistles, cause traffic delays at road crossings, add a financial burden to our county and allow for a possible “pre-emption” where the rail operator could establish businesses of their choosing located adjacent to the rail with gas or fuel storage is not what is healthy or beneficial to our communities. Who is profiting with a rail that will cost us millions?”
– Elizabeth Karzag, Santa Cruz

“Our county needs this improvement ASAP! Not a rail in 10 years when transportation will have evolved past it already.”
– Todd Anderson, Santa Cruz

“Thank you for considering this. I am family doctor, and strongly support this as a means of better safety and health for my patients, family, and community.”
– Wendy Sickels, Ben Lomond

“We can implement this sooner and more cost effectively to benefit the most people! Support for a trail-only in the rail corridor is growing as folks realize the substantial obstacles to a train - let the RTC know how you feel!”
– Nadene Thorne, Santa Cruz

“As a medical professional, I agree. Create a beautiful, safe trail that encourages activity and helps decrease the stress in all our lives.”
– Kathleen Jones, Santa Cruz

“I want a safe road to bike with my kids.”
– April Rueppel, Aptos

“I would like to be able to ride my bike safely in Santa Cruz.”
– Janet Starr, Soquel

“I don’t think a rail trail is justified in our community, while a walking/biking trail is perfect for the Santa Cruz life style. A walk/bike trail will also attract millions of tourist dollars.”
– Linda Martin, Capitola

“I am an avid cyclist in Santa Cruz County and would treasure the experience of cycling along the rail corridor without cars, trucks, etc. to contend with.”
– Megan Martinelli, Watsonville

“This is a much-needed trail system for Santa Cruz. We can all use with community to bring the area closer and safer for bikers-pedestrians alike! This is really the only real usable solution for our area.”
– Julio Briceno, Santa Cruz

“I LOVE trains. But this one is a waste of money. What this county needs is a bike lane that is away from cars and trains.”
– Barbara Diamond, Santa Cruz

“I believe creating a rail without the demand is a huge waste of tax payer dollars. Any future train would benefit more people going above Hwy 1 and not right next to cyclist. We should have both types of transportation. Cycling corridor and train separate from each other. The current corridor does meet the needs of the mass amount of commuters, as it doesn’t lead where people need to go. People are trying to get to San Jose.”
– Julie Stockwell, Santa Cruz

“Trains & pedestrians/bicyclists are not a good mix. Have you ever walked next to a train? Deafening! Not a pleasant experience at all. A Trail-Only option will allow safe cycling & walking throughout the county while the Trail-Rail will not really get that many folks out of their cars. The “Rails” are too far from many commerce areas or businesses.”
– Theresa Hutmacher, Santa Cruz

“I love the trail idea but think trying to include a train is ridiculous! Who wants to go for a nice walk next to a train? I would never walk or bike next to an active train. I can’t see mother’s wanting their children to do this either. The beautiful, peaceful trail is the best use of the space for everyone in the area.”
– Cheryl Haiflich, Soquel

“The amount of trees that will be required to be removed as part of the rail option is something that I cannot support as a Landscaper and Arborist.”
– Justin White, Watsonville

“Trail-only is the only thing that makes sense. I have walked it and it is beautiful. If a train was part of the equation the trail would be awkward at best and road traffic at each crossing would be terrible.”
– Jack Keenan, Aptos

“I want the trail-only, not the light rail.”
– Marie Wegrich, Aptos

“The opening of the Arana Gulch bridge and trail has been wonderful. I work at Santa Cruz Bible Church, which is right at the trailhead, and I love watching all the people use the trail every day. I want more walking/biking trails in Santa Cruz!”
– Rachel Frankl, Soquel

“I believe this is a much better solution than reintroducing trains into the corridor. Let’s celebrate our culture and beautiful location on foot, at a scale appropriate for our community.”
– Russell Simpkins, Capitola

“I never ride my bike around town because it is too unsafe! A walkway area is exactly what this town needs!”
– Brianna Vargo, Santa Cruz

“I am raising 4 children and would like our family to have a safe place to walk and ride our bikes.”
– Cheryl Winterburn, Capitola

“I would love a trail without a rail for my family to enjoy.”
– Jennifer Greer, Capitola

“I am an avid cyclist and I am tired of literally putting my life on the line any time I want to ride. A trail would allow me a route free from cars. We live in such a beautiful area it is high time people had safe bicycle access.”
– Scott Russo, Aptos

“Walking, Running and Bicycle riding are much better for our health than sitting down and riding in a train. A commuter/tourist train would be expensive to setup and maintain and no one would use it = financial failure. To move people on the tracks would require track and bridge repairs, and parking spaces for cars, bus service to connect. And now we learn that the proposed operator Progressive wants to guarantee the use of FREIGHT TRAINS! In their contract even if the commuter train is not a profitable venture. Give back the $11 million Santa Cruz and do the right thing for our community.”
– David Demorest, Soquel

“The County hasn’t a clue how to run a railroad but may have the skill for a trail to manage.”
– Jeff Brady, Scotts Valley

“The train option is to expensive and I don’t believe it would get enough use to support the cost. Paying the $11 million back to the state is a small price to pay considering the train would cost over $100 million. The trail-only option would be an amazing draw and would get massive use!”
– Todd Phillips, Santa Cruz

“I want to be able to ride my bike on a trail where the railroad tracks are from my home in Aptos to my job in Santa Cruz. My boss was run off the road by a car while commuting to work on her bike. She broke her pelvis.”
– Erik Hedstrom, Aptos

“I work and live in Seabright. A bike and pedestrian trail along the old train tracks would be a treasure for the county and its residents. Please do not put in anymore tourist trains. The holiday express train created noise pollution and traffic and misery. The residents need exercise and an alternative route to south county. Please choose the people not the corporate greed. Thx!”
– Brooke Towne, Santa Cruz

“Trail-only is the best option for the vast majority of locals as well as a great draw for tourists. Economically it is the only option for our small community.”
– Evelyn Taylor, Aptos

“As having grown up in Belgium, I ‘m very familiar with public transportation and it usefulness. However, it does not make sense in this situation. There is just not enough convenience nor locations to go to and from. While a trail-only would be perfect, direct and fast. Look at cities like Copenhagen where biking is even more popular than here, thanks to a great trail network. I can’t wait for this trail to be ready to use!”
– Stijn Cattaert, Santa Cruz

“The train makes no economic sense and the trail-only would provide a friendly continuous corridor for walking/biking from north to south county. Plus, if Hwy 1 is ever widened between State Park and Rio del Mar it would be far less costly to construct two new pedestrian bridges than two that would be required to support a train.”
– Scott McInnis, Aptos

“I am longing for a safe place to ride my bike and get great exercise. I’m also excited about bringing tourist dollars to our community.”
– Diana Chapman, Scotts Valley

“Even though I love trains, I really believe that moving forward with the Trail-Only plan will provide great benefit to our community in a cost-effective and realistic way.”
– Irene Van Der Zande, Santa Cruz

“I would ride this trail every single day.”
– Danielle Kile, Aptos

“Santa Cruz needs this! Let us be the example of the future!”
– Sarai Jimenez, Watsonville

“I support the removal of tracks to make room for a Bike / walking path. This would also make the overpasses less expensive to rebuild over Hwy 1. Making widening of Hwy 1 more feasible through Aptos. Another great reason for a Trail-Only project is that once the decision is made to build trail-only option the train bridges/overpass between State Park and Rio Del Mar can be removed giving room to widen Hwy 1 to 3 lanes in both directions. Walking/Bike path bridges can be built for much less than new train bridge/overpass.”
– Peter Truman, Watsonville

“We need a safe biking alternative and to preserve the beauty of our coastline. Many reasons.”
– Denise Russo, Aptos

“I believe it is important to have a safe walking riding path in our county. The roads in our area are so congested with commuter traffic as well as tourist traffic that it is unsafe to walk, run or ride safely. This would be great for everyone who lives or visits our community.”
– Denise White, Capitola

“A hugely expensive passenger train service makes absolutely no sense in a small mostly rural county such as Santa Cruz County! Passenger rail service is not viable in a county with 250K residents, two very small cities, many small towns and many very rural neighborhoods. It is tremendously expensive, and ridership surveys point to dismally low usage. We are wasting money and time while the land sits vacant and the tracks and trestles deteriorate---build the Trail Now!”
– Michael Lavigne, Capitola

“I’m signing this because my family rides bikes. Two of my girls have been hit by cars one in Santa Cruz on Water St, the other on Soquel in Capitola. We need safer streets for cyclists.”
– Linda Williams, Felton

“I’m signing because I don’t think that a rail/trail is the best option for the current right-of-way. I think the value returned on our investment will be far higher with a well-executed trail, like the Greenway concept, than with a rail/trail, especially over the long haul, as single owner ICE cars are phased out and autonomous vehicles become the norm.”
– Doug Brouwer, Santa Cruz

“It would be a shame to waste tens of millions of dollars on capital costs and then saddle our community with ongoing operating cost subsidies for a train very few will ever ride. I use my bicycle for transportation and would love a safe wide trail. Arana Gulch is an object lesson in why rail and trial will not work. The narrow path forces bikes, strollers, dogs and pedestrians into continual and sometimes dangerous contact. For the trail to really work for bicycles there needs to be a decent separation and six feet is not enough.”
– Ryan Sarnataro, Santa Cruz

“1. A safe environment for fitness. 2. Improved marketability of our towns’ businesses.”
– Caroline Sweeney, Aptos

“I love biking with my two kids, and want better, safer biking routes around and through Santa Cruz.”
– Jennifer Lingens, Santa Cruz

“I lived in Atlanta when a very similar project, the Beltline, was developed. It was incredible to watch how it changed every single neighborhood it went through. It caused a huge shift in the community to get people outside and commuting by bike or foot. It created a much stronger community.”
– Marian Acquistapace, Felton

“I’ve lived in other areas of the state with Rails-to-Trails, and they are huge successes. My family, friends and guests all love the idea.”
– Cynthia Loosley, Aptos

“More safe biking for families and kids.”
– Annette Truong, Santa Cruz

“With a bike trail I would actually go downtown! It would allow access to so many parts of the county that I dread driving to.”
– Scott Lesan, Aptos

“After many years of meditation on this topic and many years of support for the rail trail, I’ve switched and now believe a bike and pedestrian-only trail aka Greenway is the best option. Cheaper, quieter, cleaner, and more future-centric!”
– Philips Patton, Santa Cruz

“A trail, just like Monterey. Anything else would be a giant waste of money.”
– Patrick Darrough, Santa Cruz

“We need better ways to get across town safely and pollution free.”
– Janet Andreasen, Santa Cruz

“Let’s get this done NOW.”
– Matthew Howard, Soquel

“I’m signing this petition because we have the perfect infrastructure for a world class trail already in place, the unused rail road. This path could be used by thousands and thousands of people. I don’t know why it is taking so long to make it happen?”
– Carol Yvanovich, Soquel

“With a train the trail would be too narrow, it would be like the West Cliff Dr multi user path, no good for bicyclists.”
– Jim Denton, Scotts Valley

“This is the common-sense solution for this thoroughfare. It seems to me that the real reason for a rail is to transport service workers into Santa Cruz because they can no longer afford to live here. That is not a reality I am going to encourage.”
– Tighe Melville, Santa Cruz

“I would use this trail all the time. Currently I don’t feel safe riding my bike across town. With this trail I would ride my bike and stop driving my car.”
– Jeremy McCarthy, Santa Cruz

“The rail will be a financial disaster!”
– Maryellen Boyle, Santa Cruz

“Trail: a more sensible, feasible, current up-to-date solution.”
– Robert Bicoff, Santa Cruz

“I want a safe and easy trail for me and the future generation Born and raised in Santa Cruz and would hate for the railroad to ruin the small town vibe we have here.”
– Garrett Manning, Santa Cruz

– Iris Moreno, Santa Cruz

“Sustainable transportation access not only benefits our environment but our city as well!”
– Nico Galindo, Santa Cruz

“There is currently a pedestrian/bike trail between Castroville and Lover’s Point. I’d love it to go all the way to Davenport. Providing for a commuter train will not add to our community.”
– Mark Scofield, Santa Cruz

“It’s great for all recreational bike riders and excellent use of the railroad right-of-way.”
– Fred Seamon, Santa Cruz

“The rail line will mean more noise and will once again be a safety hazard. I thought the whole idea of this project was to create a safer environment for the people of Santa Cruz to enjoy the outdoors. stop this ghastly idea!”
– Margaret Wessels, Aptos

“A train will never happen in Santa Cruz due to the location of the current route and the cost to build and operate a train. A linear park and trail will be the cheapest option and really help build a healthy connected community.”
– Robert Stephens, Aptos

“I do not think that Santa Cruz County has enough potential users to justify the expense of having a passenger rail service. While the density may be there for some areas of the corridor, there just aren’t enough people overall. We cannot afford it.”
– Jim Dixson, Aptos

“I am signing this petition as the option of a train is not self-sustaining (i. e., it will take on-going tax dollars to continue to run), no reliable demonstration it will alleviate traffic on Hwy 1, no infrastructure exists at planned stops/train stations including no infrastructure to get people from train stations to where they need to be, and the negative impact it will have on local traffic at rail crossings.”
– Ken Lown, Aptos

“100% in support.”
– Mateo Lettunich, Santa Cruz

“It makes the most sense for EVERY commuter to have an active healthy option to get to and from Santa Cruz area destinations.”
– Connie Gardner, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz is a bay area traffic bottleneck. Building a rail/trail will ensure that we will be come a bike/pedestrian bottleneck as well. Building a trail-only, on the other hand, creates a crown jewel path. Trains are great, I love trains, but they create no solutions in Santa Cruz!”
– Mike Parisi, Santa Cruz

“I do not want a train going through my neighborhood! I grew up with a train close by, about the same distance to my house now, NOT A GOOD IDEA!”
– Marceline Chaney, Santa Cruz

“Being a freshman at Chico State, the bike lanes throughout the town have been immensely helpful for getting around. This would he a perfect addition in Santa Cruz.”
– Jacob Zivanovich, Watsonville

“I want walking biking trails!”
– Steve Hilleary, Santa Cruz

“Time to get move forward on this.”
– Brigid Fuller, Santa Cruz

“Rail will not work in SC. It’s not worth the money. This is.”
– Rossana Bruni, Soquel

“It makes sense to use this as a recreational tourist destination. We should leave the rails for big trees and the boardwalk. Otherwise Santa Cruz is known for its amazing outdoor activities. A trail should be safe for walkers and bicyclists and they shouldn’t have to share the same space.”
– Amy Harrington, Santa Cruz

“I opt for the trail.”
– Laura Temple, Santa Cruz

“The pedestrian-bike trail is the most user friendly and green option for the old rail path. It would be awesome if we could learn from our neighbors in Monterey - and maybe (someday) link our trails with campsites along the way.”
– Terry Turner, Aptos

“I believe that a train will not help with our public transportation issues but instead will bring pollution, noise and danger for our children and pets to our neighborhoods.”
– Tami Corum, Capitola

“It’s needed and it would be great for the whole county.”
– Brad Roades, Santa Cruz

“I agree with this!”
– Ted Holladay, Felton

“I believe a cleaner pedestrian option will be a greater energized to our community.”
– Maria Reitano, Santa Cruz

“This would greatly enhance the community’s health and happiness, relieve traffic problems! We need a safe trail!”
– Lisa Fluitt, Soquel

“I am convinced a rail solution would not have sufficient ridership. I would commute almost daily by bicycle from RDM to Live Oak on a scenic bike trail and it would become a tourism destination as is Monterey.”
– Paul Binding, Aptos

“More bikes fewer cars please.”
– Evan Hilton, Scotts Valley

“I grew up on the country’s first rail trail, the Washington & Old Dominion Trail in Northern Virginia. It’s a great trail and we should have one in Santa Cruz, too!”
– Jeremy Neuner, Santa Cruz

“There is simply no safe way to have a freight train and kids on bikes play in such a tiny corridor. Time to lose the tracks.”
– Jeffrey Lapierre, Santa Cruz

“Way too expensive to upgrade tracks and bridges for a train that goes from nowhere to nowhere. This does not solve our congested freeway and corridors! Take a look at the Trail in Monterey - they decided to take out the train tracks and look what a fabulous trail they have now! We can do the same thing! Please sign and share with your friends. A train from nowhere to nowhere makes absolutely no sense at all. If you want to deal with traffic in Hwys 1 and 17 then build elevated rails on the median of those freeways, but do not even for a minute assume that running a train along the outskirts of SC will solve the commuter problems. The problems are with the traffic going to and from Hwy 17. That’s where we need to add light rail. We need a safe route for our kids to ride their bikes to school! This corridor is the perfect solution!”
– Wouterina Swets, Santa Cruz

“What a beautiful trail it would be! No one that I talk to wants a train in the picture.”
– Julie Morley, Santa Cruz

“I’d like to see a walking trail.”
– Michele Whizin, Scotts Valley

“Any attempt to include a train will detract from what will could be one of the most beautiful bike trails in the world. Trail-only is the best option for our community.”
– John Wright, Santa Cruz

“This project just makes too much sense not to do it. Long overdue.”
– Sean Estes, Santa Cruz

“This solution is the best use of resources to move the most number of people on an east-west corridor; helping alleviate traffic on Soquel Ave and Hwy 1.”
– Sandra Skees, Soquel

“I care about our community! Trail-only makes sense for the Santa Cruz community environmentally, fiscally and based on the location of tracks it wouldn’t work as a commuter rail because the distance to major hubs of employment.”
– Rosemary Milich, Santa Cruz

“I believe a train - in any of possible configurations - can never serve the needs of enough citizens of SC County to make it even marginally financially viable or successful.”
– Michael Vensel, Watsonville

“I think it will be awesome!”
– Mitch Desjardins, Santa Cruz

“The train is an obsolete idea and we desperately need better pedestrian and bike routes connecting through town. The Rail-to-trail has been a great success in other areas. Yes, let’s get the trail-only option started. We need this.”
– David Harnish, Santa Cruz

“I want to use the corridor in my lifetime.”
– Cook Peter, Santa Cruz

“This is long overdue!”
– Mike Bailey, Santa Cruz

“I want this to pass.”
– Krista Bertetta, Capitola

“Love to bike everywhere!”
– Rachel Morpeth, Aptos

“I am a daily pedestrian for all errands (shopping, banking, library, etc.) as well as attending community meetings, dining out, or volunteering in our community. Walking is a simple and free form of daily exercise and my heath depends on doing so. A transportation corridor free of trains, buses, or cars will entice more people to walk or bicycle, especially with children. This is an investment in community health.”
– Jean Brocklebank, Santa Cruz

“I love the city of Santa Cruz and I think it would greatly benefit from better bicycle access.”
– Bruno De Alba, Santa Cruz

“I want it to be easier and safer to bike across Santa Cruz County.”
– Mindy White, Santa Cruz

“This will be a great and safe way to take a long ride, locally. Now we have to travel be car to get to a safe trail in Morgan Hill or Monterey County.”
– Ron Rackley, Watsonville

“I believe in a trail for our safety and how it will help our local businesses with small groups wanting to “fuel up” as they continue on the trail.”
– Gina Wheeler, Aptos

“This will help Santa Cruz a lot more than the crap happening on pacific Ave.”
– Shade Byron, Santa Cruz

“It is clearly the best option.”
– Dave Bamford, Aptos

– Dan Bolger, Santa Cruz

“A jogging and bike trail is the best solution. Let’s do it!”
– David Bartoletti, Aptos

“A trail without trains would be great. For recreational cyclists, it would undoubtedly draw people from throughout the Bay Area, as well as local cyclists. (Especially nice would be a safe alternative to Hwy 1 when riding from Santa Cruz to Davenport.) It would also be a useful recreational and commuting resource for people whose neighborhoods it traverses. It’s hard to imagine how we would pay for the repairs needed by a train and even harder to imagine how such a train could pay for itself. Other than tourists riding to Davenport, who would ride it? It’s not exactly an ideal commuter corridor.”
– Ronald Bourret, Felton

“I’m signing because this trail is less than a mile from me and would be amazing access to my local trails and an amazing way to get across town.”
– James Lapides, Santa Cruz

“I want to walk, ride and skate the trail. I don’t want to ride the train.”
– Robert Carpenter, Aptos

“It’s needed, affordable and there is no demand that would make financial sense for train service in Santa Cruz County.”
– Jackie Whiting, Aptos

“I support the trail-only option for the rail right of way.”
– Kenneth Koll, Santa Cruz

“It makes sense :).”
– Jeanette”Jet”Miller, Santa Cruz

“It’s the wisest use of this great resource. A use proven successful in a number of places.”
– Frank Phanton, Santa Cruz

“It makes the most sense, for the most people.”
– Rachael Brown, Scotts Valley

“This is great for our community! We need to keep growing and beautifying Santa Cruz.”
– Dmitry Kras, Santa Cruz

“Traffic is getting worse in Santa Cruz and we need more bicycle access. Bikes provide a great form of family recreation.”
– Nathan Escoto, Aptos

“This would be such an amazing addition to our community and quality of life here in SC!”
– Rachel Beauregard, Santa Cruz

“I want a better place to live.”
– Juliano Jochims, Capitola

“It offers an alternative (to an otherwise seemingly unbalanced, senseless scheme). One can only hope that common sense will prevail.”
– Glenn Smith, Scotts Valley

“Santa Cruz needs bicycle only corridors. Many more people would ride, instead of drive, with bicycle only corridors. It does not necessarily have to be the rail corridor. I’m signing this petition because Santa Cruz needs to establish bicycle only corridors.”
– Patrick Carcerano, Santa Cruz

“I mainly bike in Santa Cruz. I live here and work here.”
– Regis McCann, Santa Cruz

“Yes! Santa Cruz County must go green in alternatives for transportation across the county and the rail road is just a good start.”
– Ximena Ospina, Capitola

“I ride!”
– Dane Elliot, Santa Cruz

“This is very much needed in Santa Cruz!”
– Kelley Youmans, Santa Cruz

“I don’t trust this rail company to operate a safe, environment friendly railroad in our community.”
– Jan Burroughs, Aptos

“I am in support.”
– Kathie Stark, Aptos

“It is the right, eco thing to do!”
– Lynnette Witwer, Santa Cruz

“Because”I believe”.”
– John Ballard, Santa Cruz

“My house is 15’ from the tracks! I’m stressed out about a train going by again, I want to see a positive, neighborhood asset, not something appropriate for a large metropolitan area. A ped/bike pathway would be great and it’s about time. I’ve been lagging about even getting involved because I’m RIGHT ON THE TRACKS AND MY FUTURE IS IN THE HANDS OF A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO THINK IT WOULD BE NEAT TO ZIP AROUND ON A TRAIN. The old one went 3 times a week, max, round-trip, and mid-morning/ mid-afternoon. It was a trip being 15’ from it, but it had reasonable hrs. I’m stressing.”
– Royce Fincher, Santa Cruz

“I want to ride my bike and rollerblade downtown! I love Santa Cruz!”
– Lara Bezich, Capitola

“I want to be able to explore more of SC on my bike with my family and dog!”
– Julie Kelly, Scotts Valley

“Santa Cruz would benefit for locals and tourism with this trail. It can reduce traffic by making bike commuting more accessible.”
– Todd Lepinski, Santa Cruz

“A commuter railway would be useless here. A waste of money, completely disruptive and not needed to connect Santa Cruz to Watsonville.”
– Karen Kirby, Santa Cruz

“Please add horse access.”
– Molly Shields, Soquel

“This is too valuable a community resource to waste on an expensive and disruptive tourist enterprise for private profit. Build the rail trail!”
– Steven Robins, Felton

“The train is expensive and won’t be used much. Let’s build a great trail and tons of people will love it and use it all the time!”
– James Schwartz, Santa Cruz

“This is a great opportunity to let people commute in a safe and healthy also have a lot of fun and keep environment happy.”
– Anna Hughes, Santa Cruz

“The train will not be sufficiently used to pay for itself. A train is ridiculous - would never pay for itself. I support a trail-only.”
– Rhoda Collins, Capitola

“My husband is an avid cyclist. Should be encouraged.”
– Margaret Jenkins, Watsonville

“It is the most reasonable and affordable use of the pathway.”
– Jan Finney, Aptos

“I want a trail.”
– Miles Wadsworth, Soquel

“We need more safe options for transportation - by foot, by bike. It is critical to do everything we can to reduce cross town traffic and inspire human powered options.”
– June Fox, Aptos

“We so need a dedicated bike & walking trail in this area! Clean air & safe travel. Use the rail corridor only for bike & walking.”
– Sheryl Coulston, Capitola

“A trail in place of the tracks makes so much sense for the community. People already use the tracks to get from place to place with a trail they can ride their bikes or skateboards.”
– Candice Koshman, Santa Cruz

“I grew up with a great greenway in Denver, it will be the best thing for this community, lot of fun.”
– Deeanne Purchase, Felton

“I’ve been hearing about the Rail Trail almost since I moved to Santa Cruz, right before the earthquake. Just been to Copenhagen, which has worse weather but puts Santa Cruz to shame for bike transport. Enough discussion, build a decent bike path already.”
– Chris Niemitz, Santa Cruz

“Biking and walking is great!”
– Flora Lawrence, Santa Cruz

“It’s the right time for this project.”
– Andrew Paulin, Santa Cruz

“I’m an avid Santa Cruz (live in Watsonville) bike rider and would LOVE a safe, no cars, bike trail to ride with my wife!”
– Jim Ramin, Watsonville

“We have one opportunity to do this right - a trail-only design is affordable and the best option for our county.”
– Matt Hyde, Santa Cruz

“I am a biking enthusiast and would love to see a rail trail built for the pleasure and benefit to our community!”
– Nancy Valek-Corbett, Santa Cruz

“I ride my bike from my home near the boardwalk to Pleasure Point about once a week. I do not feel safe on the roads, especially since everyone these days are on their phone’s while driving. We need a safe way to bike along the coast.”
– Ryan Glanville, Santa Cruz

“Infrastructure for bikes is an excellent investment.”
– Camilo Werlin, Santa Cruz

“This would be great for Santa Cruz.”
– Cynthia Stark, Aptos

“This trail is the best and healthiest solution for our community!”
– Dave Miller, Aptos

“A train would be a ridiculous waste of resources. Trail-only is by far the best, most cost-effective option.”
– Lee May, Aptos

“More bikes! Trail-only is our best plan.”
– Sara Swenson, Santa Cruz

“A trail dedicated to walking and biking that connects the coastal dairies to Monterey will provide an economic boom in tourism and will revitalize our community.”
– Michael Kaye, Santa Cruz

“I live here and I want to see this happen.”
– Daniel Hettick, Aptos

“The trail is doable, the train is not.”
– Martha Vickers, Santa Cruz

“It just makes sense!”
– Joyce Parr, Watsonville

“There is not enough safe space for both a train and a path. If you have a path you want enough room to accommodate both a cycling and pedestrian path. The train although nice in theory is not realistic given ridership and corridor width in certain areas. The lack of planning for infrastructure makes this the only viable option.”
– Kathleen Bortolussi, Aptos

“Even though I feel really sentimental about the old train, the tracks have become disgusting over the past decade, and an alternative way to commute from one end of town to the other seems like a real solution for our growing road congestion.”
– Kim McGinty, Santa Cruz

“I agree with the proposed solution and love my town!”
– Rebecca Borghi, Capitola

“It is the only reasonable choice for utilization of the existing rail corridor.”
– Russ Harris, Santa Cruz

“We need a coastal bike path / pedestrian trail in this town, not a train.”
– Michael Kretsch, Aptos

“I would love to safely bike around Santa Cruz.”
– Laurel Henderson, Felton

“I live on the tracks in Rio Del Mar. Having access to a trail means that I would be on my bike to work, parks, and shopping far more than I am now.”
– Steve Hambright, Aptos

“The more people on bikes the less people on the road causing traffic.”
– Christopher Haley, Soquel

“I would love to see this bike trail come to fruition. It’s an amazing idea for the unused rail way.”
– Brandon Hughes, Soquel

“I live in Live Oak near the railroad tracks and work on the west side - I would love to have access to this trail for getting across town as well as to other areas in both north and south county.”
– Kristin Bogart, Santa Cruz

“Best thing going to get some relief on highway congestion before the end of the decade.”
– Ben Faus, Santa Cruz

“We need a safe, cross county, bike path w/o autos! Getting cars off the road; providing a safe way for bikes and walkers to get across the county and getting the job done NOW...should be our highest priority!”
– Ed Spurr, Capitola

“I strongly believe the best service to our community is a first-rate bike/pedestrian tail. A train is expensive and impractical. I remember the train to Christmas town...It was a total offense to all of the Westside! Common sense dictates a multi-use trail without the burdens, expense, noise, and infrastructure of a train! Please make a sensible decision here!”
– Jeremy Ertl, Santa Cruz

“It is the best solution.”
– Kate Raymundo, Capitola

“This is much needed and will make a great contribution in tying Santa Cruz County together as a place to live and enjoy. Bicycling from the San Lorenzo Valley to Santa Cruz is particularly sketchy.”
– Jerel Smith, Boulder Creek

“I ride my bike in Santa Cruz on a daily basis and we need safe trails for cyclists. It would help ease some of the traffic congestion to have a safe and efficient non-automobile way of commuting.”
– Vicki Orendurff, Santa Cruz

“I think the trail will be better without a train. It makes more sense than having to share a narrow corridor with a train on the trail.”
– Geoffrey Smith, Santa Cruz

“I feel that the bike path would be the most cost effective and be used the most to benefit the community.”
– Steve Johnson, Watsonville

“Because I would also like to have a trail.”
– Diana Ochoa, Santa Cruz

“It would be a fabulous idea. OMG, let’s make it happen!”
– Sofia Spadafora, Santa Cruz

“Our family would use a trail not a useless train for this area.”
– Dan Altman, Aptos

“A train is not going to work. Build a trail and attract tourist $$ from all over, plus we can ride/walk/wheel chair to points all over!”
– Amy Anderson, Aptos

“This is the most practical and cost-effective use of the existing rail line, that will benefit literally thousands of Santa Cruz county residents and visitors.”
– Kelly Shafsky, Santa Cruz

“I’ve lived in Santa Cruz county most of my life, and over the years I’ve witnessed the livability drop in our fair corner of the state, as our roads become clogged with increased commuters and visitors alike. It becomes an ordeal just to cross town to do routine errands, and you find yourself plotting circuitous routes down side-streets and lesser known thoroughfares to avoid the crush on Hwy 1, or else abandoning trips altogether because you can’t face another minute in the car. And let’s be honest, what other option is there? Even if you’re inclined to jump on the bike to get to work or grab a bite to eat, you’re still out there on those same clogged roads - risking your life to fight for a few inches of asphalt and watching eagle-eyed for that one careless driver who drifts into the bike lane or makes a blind right turn across your path. Biking in Santa Cruz county (as it stands now) is not for the weak of heart, and certainly not for the casual rider. This bike-trail is a huge step.”
– Ian Moody, Soquel

“This will be a fantastic addition to Santa Cruz County!”
– Patricia Kaiser, Watsonville

“Walking and biking. No train.”
– Timothy Fisher, Aptos

“It would be a wonderful way for people of all ages to safely travel from one side of town to another- using no gas and lessening the traffic congestion.”
– Nancy Port-Gaarn, Soquel

“Best and least expensive option for this corridor! Exercise!”
– Francis Colligan, Soquel

“I believe bikes and walking solve a lot of societal problems.”
– Matt Merrifield, Santa Cruz

“I agree and live in SC county.”
– Norian Valencia, Santa Cruz

“It’s about time we have a safe, zero carbon footprint way to get across town for work, school, shopping and pleasure!”
– Cecilia Pinheiro, Santa Cruz

“The train idea does not pass the common-sense test. To think enough passengers will ride this train to cover the HUGE expenses involved is unrealistic. In addition, the train idea gets in the way of a brilliant trail plan that WILL work beautifully with an entirely reasonable price tag.”
– Bill McBride, Santa Cruz

“Let’s do this Santa Cruz!”
– Alison Hayes, Ben Lomond

“I believe this is what Santa Cruz really needs!”
– Alanna Maldonado, Santa Cruz

“I already use a portion of the Trail between my house and North & South in Santa Cruz. Safe and Sensible. Excellent report BTW.”
– Niall Macken, Santa Cruz

“It is needed.”
– Davidminton Silva, Santa Cruz

“I think the trail would be a great thing for the Monterey Bay communities. I’ve visited friends that the RTT near their houses and they are wonderful places to walk and ride bikes, especially with the amount of car traffic on the main roads.”
– Kellee Livingston, Capitola

“A bike trail from Santa Cruz to Monterey is what I want my future to be like.”
– Tiffany Theden, Aptos

“As bad as I’d like to have both a light rail train and bike/pedestrian path from one end of SC to the other I believe economically going with just the path is the best option. I’m signing this because: (1) I ride my bike everywhere. (2) I want my family to be able to ride across town safely. (3) Trains are expensive.”
– Ernest Henderson, Aptos

“I support the trail-only option.”
– Ian Waters, Santa Cruz

“This is a good and practical idea to make Santa Cruz a lot more efficient. Having a complex network of bike/ skate paths would optimize transportation around town and across town. Because it will be easier to travel by bike foot or skate board more people will do it, decreasing Santa Cruz’s carbon footprint.”
– Josiah Evert, Aptos

“No train!”
– Kevin Jordan, Santa Cruz

“I love our lovely coastline views and being able to run/walk along it!”
– Vanessa Walker, Aptos

“The trail would be a great asset to the county.”
– Misael Barba, Watsonville

“Keep Santa Cruz green.”
– Sonya Reed, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing this petition because I want to use more walking and biking paths as soon as possible in and around Santa Cruz. Let’s get moving!”
– Lawrence Holland, Santa Cruz

“I’d like to see riding a bike be safer than it is!”
– Teri Ruegg, Santa Cruz

“The total design/construction cost of building a passenger rail system in Santa Cruz County will be way too much now and in the future for the local taxpayer to accept. It will cost too much and do too little. More or less options is not a valid response. Be specific and back it up with some reason and logic. More or less options allows the bureaucracy to continue to spend money on overpriced consultants who will write propaganda. It’s not about being great or not or right or not. Trains costs a lot and in a small community like SC, it would BK this place.”
– Robert Schneider, Soquel

“As a lifelong resident of Aptos, I support the trail-only option! No freight trains! And passenger rail will not solve our traffic problems unless it goes to Silicon Valley, not happening!”
– Bradley Macdonald, Aptos

“If you think this is a good idea, I have two tunnels in the delta and a high-speed rail in the valley I would also love to waste your money on. When 1/3 of workers leave the county every morning at 5am to drive towards San Jose, a train between Watsonville and Davenport would truly be a tourist train to nowhere. Look up the facts on commuter rail’s in America. It’s a waste of taxpayer money.”
– Mike Sargenti, Santa Cruz

“It will be safe and fun to the pedestrian and bike users having a friendly infrastructure.”
– Jessica Rocha, Santa Cruz

“It’s necessary.”
– Matt Seligmann, Scotts Valley

“I fully support a trail-only option. The noise from the train whistle is deafening when it runs on the holidays. I would love to ride my bike on the trail.”
– Bill Schoenbart, Santa Cruz

“Having a trail makes the most sense.”
– James Calcagno, Santa Cruz

– Tyler Cronin, Santa Cruz

“Moving to that area would love to see bikers take over the gross tweaker den. This will make that area feel safe again.”
– Grace Garcia, Aptos

“I would love to see a trail not tracks!”
– Suzi Mahler, Santa Cruz

“The freight train is a huge mistake--stop it from happening!”
– Ken Shelden, Santa Cruz

“I would like to see it done before I die.”
– Paul Schraub, Santa Cruz

“I am signing because I believe the purchase and on-going expense of the train tracks and any planned use of it for any reason is foolish: but, if anything is to be done with the right of way other than a road for cars I will have to opt for the trail-only.”
– David Rauen, Santa Cruz

“No stinky, loud, and expensive train. I want clean, quiet and less expensive trail with nature for my use. Thank you.”
– Suzanne Johnson, Santa Cruz

“I believe a bike/pedestrian trail-only is the right answer. Rail would require too much money and subsidy.”
– Craig French, Santa Cruz

“It’s the only plan that makes sense. Both the usage numbers and costs prove that. Non-rail is the only way that won’t bankrupt us all, keeping that rail infrastructure functioning.”
– Mark Woodhead, Santa Cruz

“I am a thirty-year resident and I love this town. i want to be able to get around freely and easily while enjoying the beautiful natural surroundings.”
– Gretchen Bach, Santa Cruz

“It would be awesome.”
– Ezra Koch, Capitola

“Good plan!”
– Laurie Lotusbeam, Aptos

“Let’s get the bike/walking trail functional as soon as possible. I want to use it! The train needs more infrastructure and more studies to see if it will be used. Railbanking is a good idea.”
– Sandra Baron, Watsonville

“Yes! Lets’ do this. I think it will be a safe and fun way to enjoy our beautiful city.”
– Broomfield Julie, Capitola

“I would love to have a rail trail in Santa Cruz.”
– Donna Crivello, Capitola

“I’m signing because I am a cyclist/bike commuter. Each day, I am in jeopardy due to texting while driving etc.”
– Marilyn Rockey, Watsonville

“I believe the rail corridor is best suited for a trail without rail. Too often outdated infrastructure is earmarked for revival just because it’s there, and not because it presents the “best” alternative. A bus and HOV lane/adjustable commute lane in the Hwy 1 corridor would be an alternative to such a large endeavor as rail, and far less misplaced as it relates to the areas travel corridors.”
– Carla Bentley, Santa Cruz

“Who could say no to a safe place to ride, run, and cruise?!”
– Jane Walker, Aptos

“It would be an awesome place to jog!”
– Mark Haynes, Santa Cruz

“I bike commute with my kids and I want a safe way to do it! I want to be able to ride across the trestles rather than the dangerous roads with small bike lanes and distracted, rushed drivers! Trail Now!”
– Aaron Cole, Santa Cruz

“The rail trail offers more opportunity for Santa Cruz county residents than any other option.”
– Everett Mudgett, Capitola

“Because very few people will ride a train!”
– Grace Nigh, Santa Cruz

“We need a safe place for cyclists to ride!”
– Malia Horn, Capitola

“My wife and I are avid bike riders and believe that Santa Cruz needs a bike trail like Monterey. The train option doesn’t make sense, too expensive and not enough ridership numbers.”
– Peter Whiting, Aptos

“Yes! A solution! Think Amsterdam, think health!”
– Andrea Riordan, Santa Cruz

“I live along the tracks.”
– Chad Kaesemeyer, Santa Cruz

“The trail is something my family and I would use! We live very close to the corridor and would love to use it for recreation. The train is not viable...we do not have the population necessary to sustain it, and it would not take riders to shopping or other suburban amenities.”
– Anne Sherwood, Aptos

“It would be great to have beautiful scenic route to walk and bike from La Selva to Santa Cruz.”
– Steven McManus, Watsonville

“It’s the perfect solution! and I ride a bike.”
– Anne-Marie Jackson, Aptos

“This is the best option for the tracks!”
– Kristi Korven, Aptos

“I support the greenway!”
– Julie Scurfield, Watsonville

“We would take advantage of this and right now it’s unsafe riding!”
– Teyara Hardy, Santa Cruz

“I think railway is impractical as it is proposed. I, for one, would likely never use it.”
– Diane Evans, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I believe in open trails and alternative ways to roads. It’s priceless for the community. Light rail within Aptos to Santa Cruz doesn’t solve the traffic problem.”
– Megan Stewart, Ben Lomond

“I would use that with my kids.”
– Bevan Docherty, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I live in the neighborhood where the railroad tracks go through the westside of Santa Cruz. Having trains carrying fuel through residential neighborhoods is a disaster waiting to happen. Don’t let this happen.”
– Lydia Cunningham, Santa Cruz

“I want a bike path.”
– Shane Kloepfer, Aptos

“I wish to preserve as much of natural, pristine value of our area as possible and the trail-only option serves this goal.”
– Bob Larsen, Watsonville

“We need this and we need this now!”
– Gregory Braithwaite, Santa Cruz

“As bad as I’d like to have both a light rail train and bike/pedestrian path from one end of SC to the other I believe economically going with just the path is the best option. I’m signing his because: (1) I ride my bike everywhere. (2) I want my family to be able to ride across town safely. (3) Trains are expensive.”
– Jason Morvay, Santa Cruz

“I live SCC and love trails.”
– Mariann Williamson, Scotts Valley

“Trail-only: $30M (bridges included) rail w/trail: $130M (plus excavation and no bridges). It’s a no brainer, especially when you add a rail will cost $1B over 30 years.”
– Carey Pico, Aptos

“I’m an outdoor enthusiast (biking hiking walking). The best thing to do with the outmoded railway system.”
– Frank Johnson, Ben Lomond

“A trail-only approach has so many advantageous without all the disadvantages of rail including cost.”
– Alan Fox, Santa Cruz

“I’m a cyclist and have lived in areas that have done this. It is great.”
– Walter Haynes, Freedom

“This Is a great idea.”
– Shane Heath, Aptos

“Forward thinking.”
– Alison Gold, Capitola

“I want a bike path because it would be an amazing place to go and exercise while also having fun. It would also decrease traffic as well.”
– Maddy Miller, Aptos

“The trail is the highest and best use of the corridor.”
– Mike McClellan, Santa Cruz

“We need a rail trail for safe access in our county and to help get more cars off our too crowded roadways, helping both traffic issues and the environment. We need a safe biking & pedestrian corridor in our area, not freight trains.”
– Debie Chirco-Macdonald, Aptos

“This is common sense. Sadly, common sense seems to be in short supply these days!”
– Leigh Selby, Aptos

“Reduces pollution and global warming and is healthy.”
– David Brown, Ben Lomond

“Monterey county has a trail separating it from car traffic which makes for less bike/ car related accidents. One of the reasons I don’t ride since I moved to Santa Cruz is the lack of such a safety corridor and the narrowness of the bike path adjacent to car traffic.”
– Neno Villamor, Soquel

“I think this is the best use of the corridor. The train will cost too much money and will not be used. A bike path with NO DIVERSIONS will probably result in more decreased traffic on Hwy 1 than a train will.”
– Peter Goodman, Aptos

“I support the trail.”
– Donna Heyl, Boulder Creek

“I’m signing because I support the trail-only option!”
– Jennifer McNulty, Davenport

“To support bikers like myself, so we can have more lanes and routes for us to bike on.”
– Lara Latourelle, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I use my bicycle almost daily to get around. I commuted for 24 years to work and still do. Our Bike to School days are scarcely attended because parents don’t want to risk their children’s lives on a bike ride to school. Building the trail would reduce traffic greatly by encouraging a safer ride to school and work for thousands in our community. Let’s do this now!”
– Tim Donovan, Aptos

“Definitely trail-only! No track please!”
– Dexter Hardcastle, Santa Cruz

“I live along the rail corridor. My family would thrive with access to a pedestrian and bicycle trail. A rail option would force us to move from our lovely beach home.”
– Michael Schwieterman, Aptos

“I am in support of the trail-only option.”
– Jake O’Gorman, Watsonville

“This is the only option.”
– Spencer Hays, Aptos

“This would be a wonderful feature to enjoy with family and friends and it’s one of the most spectacular views along the coast!”
– Michael Gorman, Ben Lomond

“The trail would be a great way to move people and cyclists, while getting them off of the roadways.”
– Kittleson Tom, Aptos

“Bikes are awesome! Bike trails are better than roads.”
– Issac Barrios, Santa Cruz

“I want to ride my bike on a trail and not a street! I do not ride on streets and therefore am very limited.”
– Dania Moss, Soquel

“I want a safe way to ride my bike to work and through the county.”
– Tiffany Burns, Capitola

“The most users, the least cost and the best experience. It just makes sense.”
– Steven Venturini, Soquel

“I’ve lived in two communities with rail trails and miss them! This kind of trail offers so many opportunities and I’d like to see it here soon!”
– Amanda Stiles Branecki, Santa Cruz

“Trial-only is the smart way to supply routes provide a car free system.”
– Terry Gripton, Santa Cruz

“I believe in the power of the rail trail-ONLY.”
– Rayette Andrews, Aptos

“I agree. Remove the tracks, build the bike corridor that will further make Santa Cruz an attractive, healthy and commutable town.”
– Doug Leon, Aptos

“This option makes the most sense in all regards.”
– Lance Anderson, Capitola

“Bike and walkways are the best return on our tax dollars and public transit options are already running at a massive deficit in this county.”
– Derek Jensen, Felton

“This would be good for business via visitors and tourism, for the environment, for locals’ enjoyment, for safety...but most would happen MUCH quicker and easier, providing something immediately and at relatively low cost that will have big, positive impact.”
– Evan McGown, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz needs bike and walking trails like other towns, not more trains.”
– Roger Douglass, Santa Cruz

“I’d use this trail a few times a week and I’m absolutely sick of the horrendous traffic in our county, especially during the summer!”
– Carter Jones, Aptos

“This trail will be of far greater benefit to the community than any other discussed options for the rail corridor.”
– Nathaniel James, Santa Cruz

“I’m a bicyclist.”
– Rene Ramirez, Soquel

“Trail-only and ASAP, please.”
– Dean Morrow, Santa Cruz

“I would like to use this bike trail.”
– Colin Parsons, Santa Cruz

“I support bikes.”
– Peter Stroet, Santa Cruz

“We need this!”
– Jasmin Rocha, Watsonville

“The train option is not realistic and not practical. Trains are noisy. Noise is unpleasant for people living near the tracks. And the tracks need to have fences and walls. Fences and walls are ugly.”
– Catharina Marlowe, Santa Cruz

“I have been a cyclist all my life and would love to rid to south county etc. I really think the trail should be for biking and walking the train idea is expensive and way to costly for what it would actually accomplish!”
– Kurt Skelton, Santa Cruz

“I support the trail and the many benefits it offers both the environment and the community.”
– Ryan Colligan, Capitola

“I love to walk in Santa Cruz!”
– Deborah Baloff, Santa Cruz

“We need safe transportation corridors for both pedestrians and bicyclists. The only way to do that is to keep them separate. Moreover, I suspect the train would be a boondoggle. I favor the path of lower cost and quieter, safer transportation driven by human muscles.”
– Jude Todd, Santa Cruz

“I live in Santa Cruz and love cycle no and running. I’d love a new scenic trail as opposed to normal road running.”
– Ryan Bailey, Santa Cruz

“It was a wonderful addition to the community.”
– Barbara Temsamani, Soquel

“I love waking.”
– Sydney Gladu, Santa Cruz

“Converting the rail corridor into a pedestrian and cycling corridor would be wonderful!”
– Bruce Burroughs, Watsonville

“Safe areas for biking and walking are always a good thing for the community!”
– Tamara Tahara, Capitola

“It’s the right thing.”
– Gavin Hunt, Watsonville

“I’m signing because DUH.”
– Joel Wheeler, Aptos

“One of the main reasons is that I developed a “Desal Alternative” plan to utilize recycled water, which involves using the corridor for distribution pipelines. It would not be economically feasible to place these high-pressure water mains near a train, because it would require expensive double containment of the pipelines. These pipelines can provide the means to wholesale up to 10 million gallons a day of water to sell, store, or inject into the ground water basin to stop saltwater intrusion. They can also connect to the “Deep Water Desal” plant being built in Moss Landing. This would essentially end the water shortage problems during drought, and need for, “conjunctive use/Lochquifer” water from the San Lorenzo Valley/Scott’s Valley are, which also has its share of a lowering ground water basin level problems.”
– Bill Smallman, Felton

“The corridor space isn’t suitable for a train. A bike path is a better use for this space and community.”
– John Fangary, Santa Cruz

“I want to be able to bike from Aptos to Santa Cruz.”
– Buff McCharen, Aptos

“A bike path and hiking trail would be a wonderful addition to Santa Cruz County.”
– Harry Domash, Aptos

“Walking and riding bikes keep the air clean!”
– Jacquie Armendariz, Aptos

“We do not need this. Where is the money coming from? I do not think the rail will be used. The trail would not be pleasant if we had to walk or bike next to a diesel train.”
– Sheryl Palmer, Aptos

“We just biked 64 miles round trip on the Fulton-Sacramento bike/walk/run trail. I’d love to have a local version. It’s a win-win for everybody.”
– Dondi Gaskill, Aptos

“I love the connection between our neighborhoods. Keep people active.”
– Brett Cornell, Santa Cruz

“I want to bike to work from my house in Pleasure Point to my work on the west side safely and with my kids!”
– Ann-Marie Osterback, Santa Cruz

“It’s a much better and healthier idea than a train.”
– Karyl Rader, Felton

“We need safe bike paths in Santa Cruz!”
– Paul Allen, Santa Cruz

“We need it!”
– Ann Ferrante, Aptos

“We need a safe zone to ride bikes and walk in Santa Cruz county. Green painted lanes are not enough and this valuable resource is wasting away while waiting for a utopian rail plan that our population cannot afford to implement. We need a protected space to safely ride bikes in Santa Cruz. A train is outdated and not suited for this area. We can do so much more to help public transportation by expanding Hwy 1 for a bus and carpool lane.”
– Jack Brown, Aptos

“I feel by adding the Greenway it would be a substantial upgrade to the City of Santa Cruz. Thanks!”
– Rose McPherren, Santa Cruz

“We need this infrastructure desperately. We need this infrastructure now and for the future.”
– Jan Caldarella, Capitola

“I want a bike trail as soon as possible!”
– Michael Forster, Santa Cruz

“I ride with my two young boys all the time and there is no good way to get across town safely on a bike. This is desperately needed!”
– Tim Clayman, Santa Cruz

“We need more bike infrastructure now.”
– Ted Lorek, Santa Cruz

“Bikes are healthy for people, communities, and the environment.”
– Joshua Dibble, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz needs this. The rail trail is the perfect solution for safer bicycling and avoiding Hwy 1 traffic to get between south, east, and west sides.”
– Kevin Karwick, Aptos

“I bike a lot and the bike trail would be great!”
– Paul Dionne, Felton

“I do not believe rail travel will ever be viable, but a trail for people would have a tremendous value.”
– Lloyd Stephenson, Watsonville

“I believe a trail would promote health, community and a more financially sustainable choice for the city. A rail would be unaffordable, underused and extremely obtrusive to nearby residents and farmers.”
– Jill Borba, Capitola

“Bike trails will be an awesome addition to Santa Cruz!”
– Amy Steinberg, Santa Cruz

“I want a biking and walking trail to move about safely.”
– Garrett Presley, Santa Cruz

“The route and width of this trail makes no sense for a train. It does, however, make great sense as a walking and biking trail.”
– Christine Altermann, Santa Cruz

“Safe, dedicated bike paths and pedestrian paths are essential in a thriving community.”
– Molly Shaw, Santa Cruz

“I’d love to have a safe corridor to walk and ride bikes away from the crazy amount of cars on the inadequate road systems in Santa Cruz.”
– Karri Breslin, Santa Cruz

“I don’t believe a train system would work. We need to get a transport system that gets people exercising and has low maintenance costs, as well as meeting the transport demands.”
– Toby Ferguson, Santa Cruz

“I love this idea.”
– Lance Hulsey, Ben Lomond

“I agree with this being the only solution that gets the most people moving at a cost our community can afford, and it gives us the option for Railbanking.”
– Luci Gray, Santa Cruz

“I think this is the right and affordable mix for our community.”
– Lisa Warshaw, Santa Cruz

“A coastal trail in Santa Cruz county is sorely needed and will benefit the community and tourists alike for generations.”
– Chris Nebo, Santa Cruz

“It will bring that corridor to use more quickly and cheaply. By doing this, it does not mean a train can never go there. However, waiting for the train to appear while not utilizing the right of way is nuts. Bike trails in all other locations have had positive economic impact on the local community. Let’s do the trail now!”
– Robert Wyland, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing this petition to have a world class trail on par with Pacific Grove created in Santa Cruz. This is something my whole family would use almost every day!”
– Leanne Butka, Santa Cruz

“I’ve experienced rails to trails programs be successful in other cities.”
– Curtis Ami, Santa Cruz

“Simple, smart and cost effective.”
– Lisa Sheridan, Soquel

“I want my town to be a better place to take my family.”
– Leigh-Anne Lehrman, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I would like to get healthier and ride my bike more, and it’s become very dangerous on the streets here...I would love to ride more for short trips to the store as well; taking cars off the streets- every little bit helps. It would also be totally more in line with what the people of Santa Cruz WANT! Thanks!”
– Margery Moran, Santa Cruz

“How awesome this would be for Santa Cruz county!”
– Shelly Ritchie, Capitola

“I want to see the trail a reality while I still can enjoy it be it by bike or walking.”
– Cynthia Carabba, Aromas

“I believe that this could really benefit the cycling community.”
– Rachel Strawn, Santa Cruz

“I would love a safe route to ride my bike around Santa Cruz to get to work during the summer.”
– Kees Horn, Santa Cruz

“Leaving those tracks in place is insane! Get them up and have a REAL bike trail up and running soon. NO commuter train will ever be built. Those people from “Friends of the Rail Trail” are zombies spouting lies.”
– Jeff Stallings, Soquel

“I am signing because I commute Capitola-Watsonville.”
– Martin Martinez, Capitola

“I’m signing because I would like to have a clear bike path that lessens the danger of biking on a shared road.”
– Veronica Manuel, Santa Cruz

“Lets get this thing built already.”
– Alexander Martinez, Santa Cruz

“Rail is too costly and won’t be utilized.”
– David Criswell, Boulder Creek

“I want safer options for getting around on my bike. This just plain makes sense.”
– Terrie Sima, Santa Cruz

“I would like to be able to bike safely through town with my kids!”
– Marissa Swett, Aptos

“I think it is smart to have a safe way to navigate through out Santa Cruz. I suggested this after the earthquake when they were developing a plan for the recovery of Santa Cruz. It is about time. I suggested this during the recovery plan after the earthquake.”
– Carmen Mulholand, Santa Cruz

“We need something that works for our county and its people.”
– Joseph Ward, Watsonville

“I’d love to see a fast, easy route from Capitola to the Westside. Help us get out of our cars.”
– Devon Ricks, Capitola

“I would love to be able to walk, run, ride safely through town with my kids.”
– Jenae Replogle, Santa Cruz

“A beautiful bike trail would enhance the healthy life style of our coastal town. I do not want a train making noise, creating pollution, and blocking traffic.”
– Anita Heath, Aptos

“This is a tremendous opportunity to create an amazing resource and the only scenario that actually makes sense.”
– Peter Townsend, Aptos

“I ride bikes to and from campus.”
– Kevin Le, Santa Cruz

“Would be used by many more people than tourist train. Safe avenue for bikes and pedestrians.”
– Alison Fuhrman, Santa Cruz

“The rail trail is an attempt to fit a quart into a pint pot. It’s also a great waste of a wonderful community resource to let the timeline for a walking/cycling trail to be held up by the much longer timeline for a railway.”
– John Boulton, Aptos

“Seems like a healthy, restorative project in the hands of capable, qualified young planners (and dreamers). Will contribute with prayers for God’s help.”
– Norma Wolff, Santa Cruz

“It sounds like a good idea and a safe way to get around.”
– Jonathan Fulcher, Santa Cruz

“I would love a safe place to ride with my family away from busy street traffic.”
– Melissa Lausen, Aptos

“I want a trail.”
– Charles Smith, Santa Cruz

“I think bike path can happen - rail service too risky and expensive. We would enjoy the bike path frequently.”
– Sharen Barrett, Aptos

“I believe a trail-only option is the best way to go! If RTC wants a train so bad, develop an electric train parallel to Hwy 1.”
– Gina Colfer, Aptos

“This sounds like an excellent option for healthy, inexpensive exercising and allowing people to observe and appreciate their surroundings in an enjoyable way.”
– Diana Cooper, Santa Cruz

“Our community needs safe bike lanes and transportation across town. A safe and attractive trail for bikers and walkers would be a huge asset to our community.”
– Terri Mayall, Santa Cruz

“My kids are going to Cypress High school and we love them to go to school safely by bicycle following San Lorenzo river and then go toward east side following the railroad track.”
– Denis Pochet, Santa Cruz

“It’s good for the community.”
– Noah Dillman, Santa Cruz

“I want a trail, duh!”
– Jennifer Heinlein, Aptos

“This whole project is a complete disaster. It should be renamed “Our great grandchildren’s trail” since most of us will be dead by the time you folks get off your asses and get it done. I am extremely disappointed that all we hear about is new studies needed. These are career study’s appointees who never get anything done. Forget the rail corridor, remove the damn tracks and get a bike and pedestrian trail built while we are all still young enough to use it!”
– William Conklin, Santa Cruz

“I believe that a trail without a train is going to be the best solution for our community.”
– Brian McElroy, Davenport

“I’m signing because riding a bicycle is FUN!”
– Frank Church, Santa Cruz

“I lived in Monterey and Pacific Grove. The bike path was a great resource.”
– Pete Hunkel, Watsonville

“I bike and think this is the right choice.”
– Jeremy Lezin, Soquel

“The trail-only option makes the most sense to me aesthetically and safety wise.”
– Andrew Alness, Santa Cruz

“I feel very strongly about these points: I do not want the “rail” option taken off the table. Leave it be for now, but leave the option for the future, if the need arises. Pave over the rails, modify the trestles, work around what we have, but don’t destroy it. Bicycle commuting, and pedestrian uses are incompatible. These uses must be given ample elbow room. Leaving the tracks dormant gives us the most space to separate these uses. Bicycle commuters travel at 15 to 20 mph. These two uses are typically excluded in high use areas (it’s illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk downtown). It should be our highest priority to build the trail NOW. Once built, the trail will be the greatest public works project of many generations. There are no downsides, and endless positives, to getting this project completed. Leaving the rail transit option sleep, until its need becomes clear, is our best option for getting this trail built immediately.”
– Tom Davis, Santa Cruz

“I live in Whistler BC half the year and they have an awesome trail system to walk and bike. It reduces car traffic and is a huge benefit to locals and tourists. In BC, they just build things and get them done. What’s the issue here? Just do it!”
– Elizabeth Turner, Santa Cruz

“I’m a biker!”
– Keerti Ayakannu, Santa Cruz

“Because I need to!”
– Carolyn Maddux, Santa Cruz

“I believe a trail-only scenario will provide the best value to the county and offer Santa Cruz hikers and bikers a great option for a healthy, environmentally friendly way to commute and get around.”
– Chris Bush, Santa Cruz

“I would use this almost every day.”
– Brian O’Dell, Santa Cruz

“Trail and Pedestrian walk/bikeway is a better way to spend my tax payer money. A train is too costly to build and maintain, will slow traffic at crossings, not to mention noise pollution.”
– Richard Whitcomb, Aptos

“I love safe biking! I commute or train on my bike 2-3 times per week.”
– Miranda Ganci, Santa Cruz

“I love cycling. Santa Cruz is such a beautiful place. It deserves some serious bike trails for enjoyment.”
– Janene Forsyth, Ben Lomond

“As a cyclist, we need this!”
– John Doty, Santa Cruz

“I would love to see a train in Santa Cruz that connects transit centers, high density neighborhoods, and major commercial centers. The coastal corridor (unfortunately!) connects none of these, and it’s therefore best utilized as a trail our community can be proud of. This would be one of the finest trails in the country.”
– Keith Trainor, Santa Cruz

“The trail is the only thing that makes financial sense. It is the best use for the rail line. Spending tens of millions of dollars for further studies is a waste of tax payers’ money. A trail-only solution makes complete sense.”
– Joseph Morici, Aptos

“It simply makes sense!”
– Axel Loelhoeffel, Santa Cruz

“Please build a trail without the rail.”
– Douglass Weymouth, Santa Cruz

“It would be wonderful to have the train corridor to ride on and many other bike trails too!”
– Susan Lynch, Santa Cruz

“Trains make no sense in this community because of the excessive costs and lack of population density. They pollute, smell bad and make too much noise. They’ll also cost us a $1B and take 20 years to come to fruition. The best/only solution is a bike/e-bike trail, [which can happen soon/inexpensively].”
– G Craig Vachon, Aptos

“Public transportation is important for us all.”
– Dawn Castello, Santa Cruz

“It’s becoming more and more impossible to drive across town. We need a safe route for bicycles.”
– Joanne Hutson, Santa Cruz

“I do not want a train! I am very strongly supportive of tearing out the tracks and putting in a trail the county can be proud of. It is the only cost-effective option.”
– Robert Jones, Aptos

“I want a trail-only solution.”
– Julie Pillack, Santa Cruz

“It would be a tremendous asset to the county, for residents and visitors alike.”
– Christy Brune, Aptos

“I want trail for skating, bicycling, less driving. We need a healthy Santa Cruz.”
– Raymond Welsh, Capitola

“I like to walk!”
– Melissa Snyder, Santa Cruz

“I don’t see any train and trail actually getting completed in my lifetime. I vote for a trail-only now.”
– Jim Cumming, Santa Cruz

“This is totally wasted and degraded space, I ride bikes for transportation with my children and would be able to do so more often, to more locations and more safely with a path as suggested.”
– Shannon Freed, Santa Cruz

“As an avid bicyclist I view this approach to be a more cost efficient and reasonable approach to a big problem especially of single rider commuters.”
– Michael Beumer-Browner, Santa Cruz

“We need a pedestrian/bike trail, not a diesel polluting train that will not solve the traffic issue.”
– Elena Rubalcaba, Aptos

“Seems like the best use of this resource.”
– Randall Finchum, Aptos

“This is a great idea. I would definitely use the biking trail for work.”
– Gabriel Austin, Watsonville

“It is the right way to proceed.”
– Thomas Brandow, Santa Cruz

“This idea will keep costs down and it will provide a safe route across town for bicyclists and pedestrians.”
– Raj Khokhar, Santa Cruz

“I’ve lived in a town with a safe biking/walking trail. It joins people from the various neighborhoods, gets people outside, and allows a commute path for many. It can be done NOW. I know we will love it.”
– Joan Love, Aptos

“Drive foe.”
– Christopher Lanagan, Watsonville

“Why not?! More people need to be able to commute safely. Less traffic. Less pollution. Healthier people. Cleaner air. Yes please!”
– Christina Haslam, Felton

“My mom loves to bike.”
– Morgan Matias, Santa Cruz

“I believe having a trail along the rail corridor will make Santa Cruz an even better place to live.”
– Claire Kleffel, Aptos

“This is what we need.”
– Collin Currie, Santa Cruz

“I don’t want a train.”
– Gonzalo De Elizalde, Watsonville

“We need a safe way to commute on bicycles and a nice trail to walk on.”
– Scott Andersen, Soquel

“This trail would mean a LOT to the community!”
– John Strobel, Santa Cruz

“I live in Santa Cruz. Bikes rock.”
– Jose Jimenez, Ben Lomond

“Need to facilitate this great community asset now.”
– Steve Pereira, Aptos

“I want to be able to bike safely from home to downtown for work.”
– Christopher Teague, Aptos

“We need safe places to ride and for adults and kids of all ages! For fun and for transportation.”
– Marni Pitt, Santa Cruz

“I’d like to see more immediate use of the corridor.”
– Rochard Spencer, Capitola

“I want more safe biking routes in Santa Cruz! :D.”
– Amanda Moe, Santa Cruz

“I’d like a safe and designated area for people to be travel through Santa Cruz County whether on foot or on a bicycle.”
– Yesenia Curiel, Watsonville

“I like the plan.”
– Jon Sisk, Santa Cruz

“Stay Green.”
– Jose Luis Padilla, Watsonville

“A running/bike trail would enhance the community, and allow a safe avenue for walkers, runners, and cyclists.”
– Joan Darroch, Aptos

“I’m an everyday commute cyclist and weekend road warrior! I’d love to see some nice bike paths so I can stop worrying about getting murdered by some idiot not paying attention in his SUV.”
– Chris Freeny, Santa Cruz

“I would love to ride to and from work downtown to Soquel without almost being killed daily by distracted drivers.”
– Gregory Dolder, Soquel

“I want a safe way to bike across Santa Cruz...and biking on Soquel Ave./Dr. is anything but safe. And I think the train idea is too expensive and not practical for a town the size of Santa Cruz.”
– Michele Goodwin-Hooks, Santa Cruz

“Accept the facts already! Travel will be faster and more enjoyable with e-bikes.”
– Manu Koenig, Santa Cruz

“I’d love to see a bike and ride trail.”
– Joelle Treanor, Santa Cruz

“Biking is better.”
– Theresa Rainey, Watsonville

“The special interest behind rail use needs to be defeated. There is no demand and it would be too costly and disruptive.”
– Joe Stoken, Aptos

“Take a look at what they did in Ventura County with the trail from Ojai to Ventura. We would benefit and welcome this in Santa Cruz County!”
– Lori Siegmund, Santa Cruz

“I want to be able to decrease my carbon foot print while commuting to work or running errands. I would like to have pride in my city for taking action to create a more bikeable city.”
– Samantha Monaco, Aptos

“Want trail-only.”
– Roger Anderson, Santa Cruz

“If left unfettered, Don Lane will spend a billion dollars on his pet train project...while providing an incremental service (to the existing failing bus service) for less than 10% of taxpayers.”
– Douglas Doherty, Santa Cruz

“I use the trails the roads and the pathways all over Santa Cruz County for walking, cycling, fitness, contemplation and socializing. This is another community effort that is thinking through the tough questions and forming incredibly appropriate solutions.”
– John Sliney, Santa Cruz

“Keeping the rail tracks is a lot like bring back coal to power a locomotive. Other cities such as Seattle, WA created pedestrian and bike trail on former railway right of ways and did not try to accommodate a seasonal Xmas train.”
– Alan Alpert, Santa Cruz

“I will use the trail!”
– Michael Grabill, Capitola

“I am a bike rider, and I want to be able to commute through town.”
– Jennifer Clinite, Watsonville

“I’m signing because I support the use of space that has been vacated by the railway system for years. This could provide a safer route for children, pedestrians and cyclists.”
– Brittney Mignano, Santa Cruz

“I love bike riding and a bike/ walking path can be enjoyed by residents and tourists. I bike the multipurpose path in Kapaa, HI often and it is great to enjoy the scenery without all of the traffic! I love the Arana Gulch path as well!”
– Nancy Kaneg, Santa Cruz

“Tired of traffic.”
– Judith Dew, Capitola

“We need this now!”
– Becky Herry, Santa Cruz

“Simply because I would use it. Great for people that are traveling to work here in town. safe place for bicyclist. I can go on and on!”
– Julio Ortiz, Santa Cruz

“I want to start riding my bike. I’m 60 and don’t feel safe riding my bike around this county.”
– Leslie Evans, Aptos

“This is the most sensible use of the train tracks.”
– Alexander Newell, Santa Cruz

“Because I believe in a greener way to live. To encourage safe biking from pleasure to work commuting. With a population ever growing we need to find new ways to de-congestion our roadways.”
– Caroline Groux, Santa Cruz

“Enabling safe and efficient bike transportation is imperative for any modern community.”
– Christopher Woldemar, Santa Cruz

“There needs to be a trail that connects Santa Cruz, Capitola and Aptos.”
– Kevin Painchaud, Aptos

“The train is a crazy waste of money. People who live and pay taxes would use the trail, the train would be for tourist mostly.”
– Sean Moriarty, Aptos

“We need safer places to bike and walk.”
– Tiffany Lindsay, Aptos

“I like mountain biking.”
– Henry Magee, Soquel

“Love...I was born and raised here. I love my home. We must always take care of people and places we love. ;).”
– Patricia Romo, Capitola

“We are the town for this!”
– Robin McDuff, Santa Cruz

“We are in desperate need of a safe, fun, and healthy way to get around town! How do we not have a trail yet? I currently drive Monterey, Fremont, and the East Bay to use their bike trails.”
– Lindsey Keough, Santa Cruz

“Only way to go - trail-only. Love the name Greenway.”
– Edda Tusinac, Aptos

“I would love safe and scenic riding for my family and I.”
– Tira Brown, Aptos

“We need this bike path. The East Bay Bike Trail on the east bay in Rhode Island support both bikes and pedestrians. It is well used by both and works very well. They can coexist.”
– Paul Bellerjeau, Watsonville

“Better use of funds and more opportunity for community use.”
– Robert Ellenwood, La Selva Beach

“I would love to be able to ride my bike from the east side to the west side in the summer and not have to deal with all the traffic.”
– Jake Newman, Santa Cruz

“This trail would be such an awesome asset to our county in so many ways! I would use it all the time. A safe, healthy and beautiful way to travel the county either by bike, ebike, walk, run or skate.”
– Greg Heath, Aptos

“Great petition and plan.”
– Pablo Castro, Santa Cruz

“This trail would be a huge win for pedestrians and cyclists in Santa Cruz county!”
– Venessa Coffaro, Aptos

“Probably get me on my bike again!”
– Gregory Tarsy, Santa Cruz

“It makes sense!”
– David Montgomery, Watsonville

“Because I ride my bike all the time.”
– David Mondragon, Santa Cruz

“Trail-Only is the ONLY viable solution that serves the present-day needs of ALL Santa Cruz county residents.”
– Christopher Lucas, Watsonville

“We want a trail not a nasty diesel train.”
– Sam Pederson, Santa Cruz

“I ride my bike more than the train that doesn’t exist.”
– Sean Romero, Santa Cruz

“Keeping the rail is a bad idea. Adding a trail system in its place would be a real positive for the entire county.”
– Kent Thrasher, Aptos

“This would be wonderful. It would bring people out and add to our community. Yes.”
– Gary Linville, Capitola

“I’ve been riding my bike in Santa Cruz for 42 years. It’s time to make it safe!”
– Mark Lang, Santa Cruz

“I too would love the option of riding/walking from point A to point B safely in this county. Less road traffic the better!”
– Holly Angell, Santa Cruz

“It’s simple and what we truly need. Rail just won’t have the usage to justify the complications. I’ve ridden a bike on rail corridor conversions elsewhere and they were great. Plenty of room for pedestrians and bikes.”
– Scott Bongiorno, Santa Cruz

“I would use my bike to safely commute, shop and for daily healthy recreation.”
– Jeff Powers, Aptos

“I’m signing because it’s the smart thing to do. And it reminds me of being in, Copenhagen where there were many bike trails like this and it was wonderful.”
– Denise Shaw, Santa Cruz

“I will use it!”
– Annie Moon, Aptos

“This would improve traffic conditions, community health, and happiness. If approved, I would purchase a bike!”
– Shannon Marsh, Santa Cruz

“I bike commute from Aptos to Santa Cruz daily.”
– Chris Carothers, Aptos

“I bike around all the time and think that this would be amazing!”
– Samuel Williamson, Santa Cruz

“I want a car free safe bike trail for my family.”
– Michele Claussen, Watsonville

“I’m always commuting to work with my bike, this would create a safer & faster passageway for commuting bikers/ or walkers.”
– Kathryn Crelan, Capitola

“Guy is the man! Thank you for bringing this initiative to us.”
– Bradley Bowden, Santa Cruz

“I love to run and bike.”
– Sue Martin, Watsonville

“We need this support for fostering an active community.”
– Jennifer Bloom, Scotts Valley

“Trail-ONLY is the right choice for a beautiful Santa Cruz experience.”
– Lec Log, Santa Cruz

“The train is a pipe dream and a waste of money and time.”
– Daniel Forshner, Santa Cruz

“This is a great option for the county.”
– Diane Christman, Capitola

“Simple is best!”
– Michael Matthews, Santa Cruz

“I don’t think that many people would use the train.”
– Lucille Heathorn, Santa Cruz

“I want a trail not a rail line at all. Trail-only! No train!”
– Keith Schuler, Capitola

“A train is not the type of mass transit needed in Santa Cruz County. A trail would serve a purpose.”
– Steve Dunlap, Watsonville

“I work downtown and more pedestrian and bike friendly options makes my company a better place to work and makes it easier to hire new employees.”
– Barry Dobyns, Santa Cruz

“I believe this to be a great idea and something I would use frequently. I know many of my friends and family would as well.”
– William Cotton, Santa Cruz

“It just makes sense!”
– Mary Tucker, Santa Cruz

“I would welcome the reality of transporting myself around town, on my bike, in a safe environment...something that I feel we don’t have currently.”
– Mary Berkana, Capitola

“I believe that the train tracks are wasted space.”
– Cole Barbour, Santa Cruz

“I believed US should have a GOOD transportation system.”
– Sanchez Delsy, Watsonville

“A train would lead to more traffic congestion because of all the major streets it crosses. A bike and walking path would reduce pollution and promote biking across town.”
– Laura McEntee, Santa Cruz

“I want a rail trail!”
– Chandler Harris, Soquel

“I’ve visited, vacationed and lived in other cities, islands and areas that have already done this, and it’s wonderful. Now we have the opportunity to do this for our own county! It not only makes sense, but it would be a HUGE asset. Trail, not rail. Besides, it would keep a lot of the cyclists out of traffic and might save a life or two!”
– Deanna Seagraves, Soquel

“I’d love to ride my bike safely in Santa Cruz. I’ve lived here 40 years and never feel safe enough on the streets.”
– Colette Grey, Santa Cruz

“It’s the right thing to do!”
– Wheeler Edwards, Aromas

“A rail line is not sustainable. People in this town won’t use it after the novelty wears off. I would use a Trail every day. The roads in this town are dangerous for bike riding, and that trail would be ideal.”
– J Eldredge, Aptos

“I think this is a wonderful idea I love riding my bike and it is so good for the environment and generations to come.”
– Jane Ferguson, Santa Cruz

“Not a population that could support a train. Trail is sustainable.”
– Janice Thorpe, Capitola

“I want a place to ride bikes for long distances with my kids. The city streets are too dangerous, even for adults.”
– Jaron Ballard, Capitola

“My family and I have personally experienced the benefits of a rail to trail conversion. A world-class trail and the community benefit it provides outweighs all other options. Pull the rail and Build the trail!”
– Rick Bar, Aptos

“After attending a meeting with “experts” on “rail,” I believe they are not focused on the realities of the Santa Cruz environment. I commuted to San Jose for years on the Hwy 17 Express and observed the development of the “Lite Rail”. It was not successful until the service became every :07 minutes. A Santa Cruz version, which provides service only every :30 minutes, will never be successful and will have to be financially supported by local communities and would bankrupt other needed services. We need this project to be successful!”
– Michael Light, Aptos

“I’m signing because I am a cyclist who is tired of the lack of safe bike infrastructure in our community.”
– Erica Murphy, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I’m a Cabrillo student that lives on the west side of town and would love to have a more direct and safe route to campus and home. And also, with tourist traffic getting to opposite sides of town is a hassle.”
– Crystal Archibeque, Santa Cruz

“The trail-only option is the best for our community.”
– Sally Dyrdahl, Aptos

“It is time. After spending the weekend in Tahoe, which has a tremendous biking trail (even with various weather conditions). Santa Cruz needs this and needs to make it a priority.”
– Allison Deagen, Santa Cruz

“We would be thrilled to have a dedicated trail for walking and cycling. Our former community did a major rails-to-trails project which was absolutely transformative to many areas of the county. Great for citizens and great for nearby merchants. We would love to see the same in Santa Cruz!”
– Mary Hesketh, Santa Cruz

“I believe a walking/bike trail would be good for local citizens and attract tourists as well.”
– Mary Warren, Watsonville

“ would be amazing and great for our community.”
– Tyler Newell, Santa Cruz

“I believe the trail option is needed and adds value to the community, while the rail option wastes money and erodes the tranquility for far too many people.”
– Bruce Burroughs, Santa Cruz

“We need to make room for innovation. A rail train will waste time and money. A trail instead of that rail will open up a new infrastructure that will give us a space for green innovation, connecting the Monterey Bay from tip to tip!”
– Todd Anderson, Cardiff

“I would prefer to ride my bike than see and ugly noisy train or ride it.”
– Presley Heath, Aptos

“This is the single best thing for Santa Cruz county.”
– Nathaniel Lenfestey, Aptos

“I support a trail-only solution.”
– Stanley Wilson, Santa Cruz

“I cannot think of a better way for all residents and visitors to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of our most special county.”
– Peter Emanuel, Capitola

“Santa Cruz County needs a safe, dedicated multi use trail. The rail corridor provides the perfect route.”
– Michael McBride, Aptos

“I want a safer way to commute to work that doesn’t take an hour.”
– Nancy Yellin, Aptos

“I bike and walk. They do not make noise or cost $$$$$$.”
– Foley Weems, Aptos

“I believe that people need to be able to choose whenever there is a large development in their neighborhood.”
– Timmi Pereira, Santa Cruz

“I believe the trail without rail is the best approach.”
– Victoria Erickson, Aptos

“I’m signing because this world class area deserves a world class pedestrian and bike trail to match.”
– Larry Bercovich, Aptos

“I’m signing because I believe the trail-only is the best option for our community.”
– Paul Lennon, Santa Cruz

“I would use this trail all the time. I have already used the Monterey section of this trail quite a few times.”
– Kenyon Kluge, Ben Lomond

“I would like to see more parks and opportunity for recreation in our town and I don’t think a train is a benefit to our community since it will not solve the traffic problems with Hwy one.”
– Dagmar Leguillon, Watsonville

“I want the trail because it will be practical, environmentally friendly, and uniting for all of Santa Cruz county. Also, the train is stupid.”
– Matthew Quinn, Aptos

“I believe the studies show that a trail installed now will preserve the corridor for future technologies.”
– Randal Kleis, Aptos

– Leland Olson, Santa Cruz

“I would like a safer option to riding my bike to work!”
– Jessica Cannarozzi, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz native, bike lover, community spirit.”
– Dylan Brody, Santa Cruz

“It’s about time Santa Cruz did something that makes sense!”
– Richard Caldarella, Capitola

“I’d like to be able to bike around safer, especially to Cabrillo.”
– Olivia Maennche, Santa Cruz

“It needs to be!”
– Valerie Leal, Santa Cruz

“This would really help our community by allowing those of us to bike around rather than sit in our cars in traffic!”
– Dianthe Harris, Boulder Creek

“I like biking and I live in Santa Cruz.”
– Jeremt Piss, Soquel

“Because as a lifelong resident of Santa Cruz county I believe the trail would be an asset for residents and visitors alike. It would provide safe and efficient means to cross the county and would better preserve the environment than a train.”
– Trevor Heath, Aptos

“Yes! Trail-only!”
– Karen Menehan, Santa Cruz

“I love my town!”
– Kyriea Giegerich, Santa Cruz

“It will be used and enjoyed by both county residents and county visitors and makes both environmental and economic sense.”
– Ken Kambic, Watsonville

“I don’t care if it has a public transport aspect or not. Let’s just do something with this resource. It’s a win either way. I feel public transport addition will be great but let’s start somewhere.”
– Ray Evert, Aptos

“This would be awesome, pull the tracks, pave it, use it NOW! Love the super imposed images of the trail in use! Keep doing this.”
– Neal Woods, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz needs a world class biking trail. The trail should not run parallel to a train that is not going anywhere and for the most part will be empty. Remember the proposed train does not go to UCSC, Cabrillo, downtown, the county buildings, Capitola mall or Dominican. A train/trail is not the best use of this property! TRAIL-ONLY PLEASE!”
– Susie Peoples, Aptos

“It’s affordable and best-case scenario for our future. We all want to hike/bike this trail, no one wants/needs an expensive noisy train.”
– Susan Dormanen, Santa Cruz

“Too few will use the train at a huge cost.”
– Joe Raley, Felton

“I’m looking forward to seeing the next walking adventure. Safety is very important to me and the beauty of Santa Cruz outdoors needs to be available to everyone.”
– Linda McPherson, Santa Cruz

“I want to see more options for safe and efficient travel for all in Santa Cruz.”
– Kathy Idoine, Santa Cruz

“I believe in trails for bikes and walkers/runners through awesome cities like ours (quite embarrassing that we don’t already have one!).”
– Lara Kilpatrick, Watsonville

“I ride my bike almost daily and I have kids and Santa Cruz is currently very unsafe for cyclists. We need a trail and not a train!”
– Daniel Bennett, Santa Cruz

“I am concerned about the future of Santa Cruz County and walkability of streets in order to get from one place to another.”
– Rose White, Watsonville

“As much as I would love transit service within Santa Cruz County and to destinations beyond, as a Planner I do not see that Santa Cruz currently has or is likely to soon develop the appropriate density to sustain passenger rail service let alone shoulder the enormous cost of installation. Reserve space for the train where available and plan for new train bridges as will be needed but prioritize the trail now to give residents and tourists alike an unparalleled sustainable transportation route along the coast. Hard infrastructure for rail will continue to divide neighborhoods, to say nothing of the cost of construction, noise of operation, and massive subsidies which will be needed to support rail serving the relatively low housing densities found in Santa Cruz and along the coast. A well-designed trail and active transportation route will provide much greater environmental and human health benefits and will act as a catalyst for economic development. Appropriately designed for permeability and in relation to the varied neighborhood context, a trail can be a draw for tourism, a carbon free daily commuter route, and a placemaking element to encourage the development of more walkable communities. In more urban areas where the trail connects with other existing trails, the potential to reduce traffic and related emissions through more active transportation, further compounds the real environmental benefits and can be realized in the short term.”
– David McCormic, Santa Cruz

“I live on the tracks and would enjoy a bike path in my back yard.”
– Kelly Liebenthal, Santa Cruz

“Because this has the option to be a world class bike trail.”
– Jason Anderlite, Santa Cruz

“I believe the rail trail would be good for Santa Cruz residents.”
– John Distefano, Santa Cruz

“I live right by the tracks, and don’t want a regular train service running behind my house. Also, traffic is terrible...but I’d ride my bike to Santa Cruz in a moment if there was a bike trail that connected Aptos and Santa Cruz.”
– Aaron Lazenby, Aptos

“I believe in bicycle transportation.”
– Matt Darton, Capitola

“We don’t need a train.”
– Heather Goodman, Aptos

“A dedicated trail will serve all of Santa Cruz County’s residents with a safe alternative commute corridor.”
– Tom & Paula Medeiros, Aptos

“I used to own a home in South San Jose with a train behind. It was VERY loud, put nasty exhaust in the air, was a danger to pedestrians, and the Caltrain cars went by nearly empty on that part of the route.”
– Katherine Barr, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because most of the pro-rail people I’ve spoken with think the rail goes to Silicon Valley. It doesn’t.”
– Christopher Risley, Santa Cruz

“I believe we should use the rail for hiking and biking.”
– Joyce Kutcher, Santa Cruz

“No rail. Only trail.”
– Jeffrey Forman, Aptos

“It is unlikely that we would actually figure out the rail option--needed repairs to existing track and trestles, stations and parking at stops. It appears to me that there wouldn’t be enough usage to come even close to pay for it. It would be great to use this beautiful strip of land in a way that so many people could enjoy it; not to mention more economically viable.”
– Suzanne Jensen, Aptos

“We need this type of development in our community.”
– Trevor Storey, Santa Cruz

“I want the trail and not the train!”
– Phillip Rupp, Capitola

“I support the trail-only scenario.”
– Beth Martinez, Watsonville

“I agree that a trail-only brings the best option to the residents of Santa Cruz County. The negative results of initiating a train traveling through our county are countless while a trail makes sense for the health and safety of our citizens. We may as well kiss goodbye saving our flora and fauna if a train roars through the county. Look at other cities that have trains and discover that the cities move hundreds of thousands of workers each day. Santa Cruz does not compare to these places and consequently should abolish the idea of train travel in Santa Cruz County. The instigators should move east with their ideas and stop making fools out of the residents and tax payers in Santa Cruz.”
– Beverley Pearce, Santa Cruz

“We need the trail now!”
– Christy Tall, Aptos

“The traffic in SC is getting out of hand as each of the four corridors gets built up. That’s poor planning. But a greenway is not.”
– Alysia Sharief, Santa Cruz

“Rebuilding trestles to rail cars needs is prohibitive and until zoning leads to drastic changes in the buildings along the route, as well as parking issues, make rail a poor option. Put all the trestle money into better bus system.”
– Dennis Speer, Santa Cruz

“I believe this is the best option. I live close to the tracks, cycle to work and downtown daily, and would love to see this happen in our community.”
– Katherine Isbister, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because...BIKES!”
– Daniel Stewart, Santa Cruz

“It’s worth it.”
– Taren Loftis, Santa Cruz

“Make a trail big enough to actually be feasible as a means of commuting by bike.”
– Boris Baggerman, Santa Cruz

“Rail trails enhance the appearance of communities from Vancouver to Monterey. This is a REAL attraction that makes sense environmentally and economically.”
– Margaret McCulley, Santa Cruz

“Let’s do this Santa Cruz.”
– Kelli Cole, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because a trail-only option makes the most sense for future generations, financially, environmentally, as well as for enjoyment and safety. No trains!”
– Richard Armendariz, Aptos

“I’m very much in favor of increased bike infrastructure everywhere, especially infrastructure that supports medium- and long-range trips.”
– Bryant Mairs, Santa Cruz

“We need a safe trail through our county to walk, run, skate and ride on. It’s the healthiest and the most environmentally friendly option for our community.”
– Rachel Heberly, Soquel

“Great idea!”
– Katelyn Gagne, Santa Cruz

“I believe the Case the Group presents is factually correct and right for our citizens.”
– John Dowdell, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz County needs a pedestrian and bicycle friendly infrastructure. Riding my bicycle on the street poses a hazard for me and motorists. This would be a wonderful addition to providing safety and pleasure to our citizens and entice everyone to enjoy our beautiful environment.”
– Ellen Todd, Santa Cruz

“The train plan just doesn’t work.”
– Donald Radcliffe, Santa Cruz

“Train rails and bridges on a crumbling coast - dumb.”
– Robert De Lapp, Aptos

“I am in total support!”
– Joe Armando Rubalcaba, Capitola

“I have lived in a community that has bike and walking trails. They create a fantastic way for the community to get around without sharing the roads with cars. A train would be a big mistake.”
– Laura Brown, Santa Cruz

“I love biking!”
– Matthew Sloan, Santa Cruz

“A pollution free train from north to south county. What’s not to like!”
– David Giannini, Santa Cruz

“Tail only will make money but Train will cost money/ Lots of money.”
– Glen Stribling, Felton

“I like to commute via bicycle around Santa Cruz.”
– Crissly Crisostomo, Santa Cruz

“I love biking around my town but hate having to share the road with traffic. This is a great solution to getting people out of their cars.”
– Jill Schontag, Santa Cruz

“I would love to have a safe, beautiful transportation option in Santa Cruz county that is also environmentally friendly!”
– Emily Lefebvre, Santa Cruz

“It is the right thing to do!”
– Carolyn Conklin, Santa Cruz

“It’s the future!”
– Laurie Vanderwoude, Aptos

“We need better faster and safer ways to bike our community.”
– Nicole Beck, Soquel

“I’m signing because a trail-only solution makes sense and cents. I can’t wait to ride my bike to handle all of my errands. Let’s make a Wide, World Class TRAIL in Santa Cruz County a reality Soon. TRAIN = WAY too much $$$$, Fencing & Noisy. It will stunt the trail portion. It won’t head where commuter need to over the Hill. A world class TRAIL is the solution to Santa Cruz’s branch line. Let’s get this county Moving!”
– Andrea Miller, Aptos

“Rail Service is not practical. Bike travel is.”
– Tim Hartnett, Soquel

“I want to see a bike path that goes all the way through Santa Cruz.”
– Ben Grove, Santa Cruz

“We need to save and fix Santa Cruz. Born and raised here and we should be doing much better. More housing, more buildings, more corporations and technology. 21st century! This is America! The people need this in Santa Cruz. We need to fix and make our city better and this is a good step in the right direction.”
– Jerry Toste, Santa Cruz

“It’s unsafe to walk in front of my house and on East Cliff Drive.”
– Gerlinde Debroekert, Santa Cruz

“I’d rather have a trail for biking and walking, than a train.”
– Emily Cohan, Santa Cruz

“Our community needs more bike access!”
– Devona Floodman, Santa Cruz

“This is obviously a great an improvement that serves all of “we the people”! Let it be! Everything we do every day changes our world. What are you doing? (Love is the answer! Free & easy!)!”
– Melody Record, Aptos

“The train aspect is not a viable means of transportation and much too costly on a long-term basis.”
– Susan Kincaid, Aptos

“More bikes is good.”
– James Langley, Santa Cruz

“I’ve been hearing about this for years and it would be an amazing addition to our already very beautiful habitat which is Rio Del Mar, Santa Cruz.”
– Kevin Conway, Aptos

“Trains are a great resource, but they’re not right for every community. Santa Cruz deserves better, and we deserve it sooner than never (which is when a train would go in).”
– Damon O’Hanlon, Santa Cruz

“I would use it every day. Please make it happen. Thanks.”
– Chris Grenier, Santa Cruz

“I want to see more bike paths and trails for future UCSC students and current SC residents. More exercise, more beauty, less emissions and waste.”
– Zachary Kawagoe, Santa Cruz

“I walk along the rails to get around town anyways. Might as well make it a trail.”
– Brandon Kempf, Capitola

“To help people commute by bike so they can be healthy, help the environment, reduce traffic, and have fun.”
– Michael Dahlberg, Santa Cruz

“Moving to SC from Aptos in 3 weeks. Definitely in for the Greenway.”
– Suzi Morgan, Aptos

“Great idea.”
– Sukhmeet Singh, Santa Cruz

“Keep the peace, save the trees, encourage moving your body via walking, cycling, running, and focus the other expenses on cleaning up the drug camps.”
– Breann Sampson, Santa Cruz

“A trail-only is clearly the best way to go for all to enjoy the environmental diversity we share within this beautiful community.”
– Bill Scurich, Santa Cruz

“It’s a great idea.”
– Miguel Canizal, Soquel

– Kate Lemega, Santa Cruz

“The original proposal was for a dedicated, safe, bicycle commute path across Santa Cruz and eventually to Aptos. After all the years and mutations; millions spent and a bureaucracy established with job security; it is good to get back to a reasonable vision that can actually work and accomplish something for Santa Cruz. Simple.... bike path.... commute and enjoy the fresh air!”
– Merritt Edmunds, Santa Cruz

“Trail-trail-only is the only viable use for this vital resource.”
– David Hooks, Santa Cruz

“A trail would greatly enhance our community.”
– Clark Clark, Aptos

“I’m signing because as Santa Cruz county gets more and more populated and congested with cars, we need a safe alternative solution for our active community to move about our city and county! And we do not need to be spending a large amount of money and resources on a train that would not be as positive and useful for our community.”
– Genevra Peyser, Santa Cruz

“It makes sense like Monterey’s great trail by the sea.”
– Greg Frauenhofer, Aptos

“I believe our traffic and community needs will be best addressed and served by a well-designed trail-only connection throughout the county.”
– Andrew Wulf, Capitola

“It’s a great idea. The train tracks attract crime. If we fix it up, we can improve the city.”
– Jesse Williams, Capitola

“I prefer trail without the train.”
– Michael Sullivan, Santa Cruz

“The passenger train will be cost prohibitive. Many can use a trail greenway. Biking throughout most of Santa Cruz can be dangerous. The greenway will provide a safe biking and walking route which is badly needed. Many towns throughout California have protected biking and walking trails. Santa Cruz County is falling behind with safe alternatives. It is a smart move to use the greenway for bikes, skateboarders, scooters and walkers.”
– S. Burk, Santa Cruz

“As a physical therapist in support of an active lifestyle, I believe in this amazing and worthwhile project that is great for the environment and the health and wellbeing of our community!”
– Sherri Betz, Santa Cruz

“I want to see Santa Cruz embrace healthy lifestyles and the train will not help that. There is no use for passenger train based on our population. Trail now.”
– Ben Rumsey, Aptos

“I’ve walked a lot of the tracks, and there’s no room and tons of sections!”
– David Multer, Santa Cruz

“Seems like a win-win to me, and a bike and pedestrian corridor could be a reality much sooner than a train...which will never happen anyway.”
– Roberta McGann, Aptos

“To maintain a train is extremely expensive and rather stupid. Several states have made successful trails. Several states have excellent bike/pedestrian trails which pass through commercial/restaurant areas. The trails are easily accessible, well maintained, and bring extra income to the adjacent areas. They also attract tourists. A trail through our wonderful area would do likewise. A train would bankrupt us and would be little used.”
– Janet Perry, Aptos

“So great.”
– Rachel Wisotsky, Santa Cruz

“This just needs to happen. It’s good for everyone.”
– Michael Gardner, Santa Cruz

“I don’t think our county needs a railroad. I believe electric bikes are the future and the path will need to be large enough to have walkers and bikers.”
– Alison Ekers, Santa Cruz

“This is the only rational plan.”
– Guy Cochrane, Santa Cruz

“We need a safe bike commute option in Santa Cruz!”
– Patrick Golliher, Santa Cruz

“A passenger train makes no sense when all the facts are taken into account. Yet a trail will serve the community well.”
– Elke Riesterer, Santa Cruz

“It’s obvious.”
– Patrick Thomas, Santa Cruz

“I would use this trail happily & regularly!”
– Corrine Flanagan, Soquel

“The trail-only approach will create a transit corridor for cyclists and result in fewer car trips. The train is too expensive and would take forever to complete. We need this trail soon!”
– Jennifer Green, Santa Cruz

“Biking is a healthy and non-congesting alternative to the already bloated automobile traffic Santa Cruz already has to deal with on a daily basis.”
– Greg Montoya, Santa Cruz

“Traffic is only getting worse throughout the county. The trail-only option is clearly the best choice for getting people out of their cars and on a safe path.”
– Tauna Grinager, Ben Lomond

“This is a no-brainer.”
– Jeff Jackson, Santa Cruz

“Because why not?!”
– Morgan Miller, Capitola

“A trail-only solution is what’s best for our community. Diesel trains are outdated and not what is called for.”
– Carson Combs, Aptos

“I’m an avid bike rider, my husband is a cyclist and our little boy loves to ride his bike. We love Santa Cruz and believe in the dream of riding safely all over the town.”
– Clare Wheadon, La Selva Beach

“I agree with the petition for Trail-Only.”
– Arturo Navarro, Watsonville

“I want a place to ride, skate, and walk my dog safely and responsibly.”
– Suan Salinger, Santa Cruz

“With our year around nice weather, this trail/path will relieve traffic pressure around town.”
– Jason Gingery, Santa Cruz

“Makes perfect sense for Santa Cruz County.”
– Doreen Odonovan, Aptos

“A passenger train in this service makes no sense and would be a money pit without significant benefit.”
– Charles Selvidge, Santa Cruz

“I think it will promote safer cycling, provide recreation and access for walkers, joggers, and cyclists, and allow for a commute option for those who want to safely cycle to work.”
– Leslie Strohm, Aptos

“There are countless benefits of turning the rail into a trail and providing more consistent and safer walking and biking corridors. It will only become more expensive. Now is the time!”
– Edgardo Leblond, Soquel

“I’m signing because I fully support this wonderful plan.”
– Patrice Beckstrom, Santa Cruz

“Every community that has a trail like this is enhanced by the trail. If there was a quick flat bike/walking to get between our communities, people would use it and get off the road. Build this and then market the safe biking alternative.”
– Amie Forest, Capitola

“I support bike paths and trails away from car traffic in Santa Cruz county.”
– Gary Hart, Santa Cruz

“A bike path would make Santa Cruz safer and more fun and increase community.”
– Ryan Hughes, Santa Cruz

“I strongly agree with a trail-only design, based on my experience of living in 3 other cities which successfully implemented similar designs.”
– Nathan Ciarleglio, Santa Cruz

“As it stands, it will likely be nearly as fast to cycle on a trail that to drive from mid-county to S. C. Great draw for tourism. Less invasive and noisy than a train.”
– Shahe Moutafian, Capitola

“I want to bike from West Cliff to East Cliff without worrying about being hit by a car. And I want more people biking and walking. It would help make Santa Cruz even more special.”
– Dan Marston, Santa Cruz

“I love to ride my bike, but traffic can make for a dangerous ride in Santa Cruz.”
– Forest Aritchita, Santa Cruz

“No train. Yes rail-trail.”
– Brian Peoples, Aptos

“We need this trail-only option!”
– Rebecca Botelho, Capitola

“This a great idea for our community!”
– John Devlin, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz County pales by comparison to other counties that take trails seriously. Just look at our neighbors in Monterey. It’s never been more needed in SC than today. Join the effort to make it happen!”
– Christopher Klein, Watsonville

“The rail with trail does not make sense on any level.”
– Tom Brandow, Santa Cruz

“I love running in Santa Cruz. Another car-free option that is safe and wide enough would be amazing!”
– Jennifer Willoughby, Aptos

“There will never be a useful trail if the bridges, through cuts, and causeways are not used for the TRAIL. It’s unconscionable to think you can shove recreational and commuter humans out onto sidewalks or bike lanes where cars WILL collide with “trail” users who are denied the use of the RR corridor.”
– Patty Ciesla, Soquel

“Let’s keep Santa Cruz from becoming overrun - see how great it has worked in Monterey!”
– Lawrence Rosenbaum, Santa Cruz

“I enjoy walking, running, and biking.”
– Jesse Williams, Ben Lomond

“I love to bike and we need more bike trails!”
– Jane Hood, Boulder Creek

“We do not need a train going thru the village. Will ruin Aptos for sure!”
– Patricia Trayer, Aptos

“I’m signing this petition because as a cyclist who commutes and rides to and from trails, I have experienced the dangers and pollution of riding alongside motorists for over 15 years. We want to ride our bikes away from vehicle traffic and enjoy an efficient and pleasurable ride across town. Thanks.”
– Forrest Toshikian, Aptos

“I would like a trail not a train so I can use my bike to travel around the county. The path needs to be wide enough for bikes, baby joggers and walkers. Thank you.”
– Michelle Bradley, Soquel

“Train doesn’t make sense.”
– Joanie Deneffe, Santa Cruz

“Traffic in Santa Cruz needs more creative solutions like this.”
– John Shea, Santa Cruz

“I don’t want trains.... !”
– Dave Turner, Aptos

“I am 100% for the rail trail. This has been a long time coming. A safe bike pedestrian path across our county is exactly what we need.”
– Greg Cross, Santa Cruz

“I would love to be able to ride and avoid traffic. It would help traffic on Hwy 1 too.”
– Pamela Anderson, Boulder Creek

“It’s a good idea.”
– Michael Miranda, Santa Cruz

“A “trail-only” would be a tremendous asset to our county. It would be environmentally sound, a healthy option for transportation and overall, a community minded addition to SC County. A train would be noisy, create parking and intersection congestion, destroy native landscape and cost residents more than we can afford! Trail Now! Trail Now!”
– Susan Moen Penprase, Aptos

“Want a biking/walking trail.”
– Vickie Winkler, Santa Cruz

“I also like the suggestion of putting down base rock or decomposed granite as a temporary measure. Save us years of waiting and obviously money. We need this trail now, not in the far-off future.”
– Cherie Bobbe, Aptos

“Hiking and Biking only! No train.”
– Marilyn Churchill, Capitola

“Rational minds at work, finally. Rail is an economic panacea. A bike/ped trail will transform the county and create a valuable mobility and tourism asset.”
– Bill Wiseman, Watsonville

“Make it happen!”
– Doug Heath, Santa Cruz

“It would help my commute.”
– Chris Page, Santa Cruz

“When I contemplate how cyclists and trains could easily collide if the cycling path were placed next to the train tracks through home neighborhoods in Live Oak, where I live and similar areas, I really get scared. I lived for two years in Bellevue, WA, on the east shore of Lake Washington, across the lake from Seattle. When living there, I used to ride to Seattle and back several times a week around the north shore on a rail trail build on an abandon rail line. I can’t imagine how this ride would have been if I’d been forced to share the trip with trains! I did have to share the trail with pedestrians, but there were very strict right-of-way rules regarding bike and pedestrian interaction. For example, cyclists were expected to ring their bells when passing pedestrians.”
– Peter Belew, Santa Cruz

“I’ve lived in Santa Cruz my whole 34 years of life and always wished there was a bike trail along the tracks. Let’s make it happen!”
– Naomi Dresser, Aptos

“I agree.”
– Marilu Radilla, Capitola

“Trail-only is the only option which will truly reduce traffic. Trains will congest already choked neighborhood intersections. Pedestrians, and especially cyclists, will only likely use a friendly trail, which means full size, no train.”
– Tom King, Santa Cruz

– Margaret Hellmann, Santa Cruz

“I want to use this trail and I think it would be a tremendous improvement to the community.”
– Beau Barcus, Santa Cruz

“A pragmatic solution to Santa Cruz congestion in both an economic and environmental context. It’s also quite feasible and relatively cheap to build on the railroad compared to that nonsense idea of a train where the funding, feasibility, and sustainability simply aren’t there. Let’s make this happen!”
– Sam Roberts, Santa Cruz

“Trail-only makes sense. Rail-trail does not.”
– Peter Ackerman, Santa Cruz

“This is so important to Santa Cruz.”
– Laurie Pimentel, Aptos

 “We need more riding paths so we can get off of the roads and maybe save more lives.”
– Willam Hopkins, Watsonville

“It’s the only option that makes sense to the community and will make Santa Cruz a bike first community and will actually cars off the road.”
– Elliot McDonald, Santa Cruz

“I think that other alternatives to the Rail Trail should be considered.”
– Charles Hawley, Santa Cruz

“This is a wonderful idea, let’s get it done.”
– John McCrary, Santa Cruz

“I think a trail-only option should be part of the planning process.”
– Thomas Spaulding, Santa Cruz

“I believe this is the best use for the corridor.”
– Bob Landry, Santa Cruz

“I think the rail trail would greatly improve the town of Santa Cruz!”
– Eric Tucker, Santa Cruz

“Adding a dedicated carpool and bus lane to Hwy 1 will be really expensive but makes a lot more sense than having a defunct set of train tracks ruining our cross-town bike path. If you go and actually look at the corridor a train and path will never fit, endless litigation with encroaching neighbors will hold up progress forever. The RTC has been misleading the public all along, a single set of worn out tracks going over failing bridges is not an option. Technology is on the brink of changing transportation dramatically, let’s look forward and stop dreaming.”
– James Cook, Santa Cruz

“I love riding my bike and if I had a decent, safe path I would ride it to the grocery store and to the beach instead of driving.”
– Margaret Seibert, Aptos

“Greenway is beautiful, safe, healthy, sustainable and maintainable in the long-term. Emerging e-vehicles will transform the speed and mobility of users of Greenway. It’s necessary to think ahead and accommodate what’s coming, not look to the past. Greenway will be THE most popular tourist attraction in the county and also provide an essential commuter link for thousands daily. Let’s be great and build Greenway soon, instead of spending millions of dollars “studying” a train, which we’ve already studied for 30 years with no result or transportation use of the corridor.”
– Bud Colligan, Santa Cruz

“Avid cyclist.”
– Carin Hanna, Santa Cruz

“I’ve been thinking the same direction. I don’t see how we can justify the tracks.”
– Sandra Taylor, Santa Cruz

“Rail is a negative in this situation.”
– Scott Owen, Santa Cruz

“Enough pork! Let’s get the trail done now!”
– Ashley Greenley, Aptos

“I believe a well-built, off-street bicycle commuting path will improve the quality of life for people who live and work in Santa Cruz. Let’s build the Greenway!”
– Gail McNulty, Santa Cruz

“It’s the right way to go!”
– Clifford Barrett, Scotts Valley

“Hope for a skateboard, scooter, bike/trike, wheelchair, or walker trail; NOT an inaccessible train. Slow heavy trains are past history. Tons of brussel sprouts as well as aggregates for cement has pretty much ruined safety of train tracks which were a nearly hourly sight of mine in the mid-1960s. Time to move on! Electric recumbent trikes began for me in 1980, growing to an electric velomobile (enclosed trike). Current electric scooters are dangerous for me when hitting ever camber an pothole our roads have to offer while darting through large cars or trucks- even an empty bus or two. Having a trail without having to weave through bumper to bumper traffic would be fantastic! Matters of safety and health is more important than cars (especially to me- a car accident victim). Commuting is ridiculous anyway to me; never have, and never will. However: I will use and enjoy a trail, the sooner the better!”
– Chris Jordan, Santa Cruz

“Trail now, preserve right of way for future cost-effective options.”
– Debora Friedman, Aptos

“After growing up in Santa Cruz, and as of this year becoming an avid cyclist, this TRAIL-ONLY proposal would bring a major advancement to Santa Cruz that it is currently extremely lacking. After crossing the country on my bicycle this year, 4, 500 miles later, I experienced the endless joys of 20+ mile long “rail trails,” old railroads replaced with amazing paved and/or crushed limestone bike/ped paths. They were in communities all the way from Illinois to NYC, and a major refuge from being forced to bike in areas that were solely developed for travel by car (namely highways). To stay out of the way of cars was the biggest blessing of these trails, not to mention the rails had a pre-established clearing leading to most of the places one would need to get. It all just made so much sense, and these trails were such a beautiful use of space! After seeing so many great public solutions throughout the country, I was bummed to come back to Santa Cruz County, my home, and to see the lack of development we have made as.”
– Deana Alloin, Soquel

“I believe a train is wasteful spending and not necessary for our community. The money is better spent on the trail-only approach and widening Hwy 1. A trail-only approach is consistent with the culture and values of Santa Cruz.”
– Justin McNabb, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz County needs more biking and hiking trails rather than roads and railways.”
– Daniel Rola, Santa Cruz

“I love the idea of riding my bike cross Santa Cruz County on an old train Corridor, I don’t love the idea of the extra cost of a train system.”
– Barry Sihler, Santa Cruz

“Let’s make Santa Cruz more bikeable!”
– Veronica Zaleha, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz needs this trail system. It will greatly enhance the quality of life for ALL in this county.”
– Eve Eden, Santa Cruz

“I live in Santa Cruz and would love to be able to ride to 41st without having to deal with cars.”
– Zack Reed, Santa Cruz

“Finally convinced this is the best option for our community health now! Don’t need to wait or vote anymore. Let’s get it done!”
– Kathryn Scott, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because a bike path would be incredibly useful, help create a safe space for bicycles, and help build a sustainable community.”
– David Ezroj, Santa Cruz

“I am signing because I think this trail will absolutely transform our county in the most positive way. I look forward to years of using the proposed path with my friends, family, dogs, and children.”
– Allison Reiter, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I think this is going to help alleviate traffic, be an eco-choice, and it’s going to bring our county together.”
– Tiffany Smith, Santa Cruz

“Rail is economically unsound and will make a mess of neighborhood environments.”
– Marty Demare, Santa Cruz

“This is common sense and the traffic is horrible. More trails, more exercise and less cars.”
– Melinda Hodges, Soquel

“It is needed.”
– Michael Toland, Soquel

“It’s the right thing to do.”
– Daniel Friedman, Santa Cruz

“This is a great plan for SC.”
– Judy Male, Aptos

“I’d love to use that trail!”
– Bonnie Murphy, Santa Cruz

“This is the smartest option there is!”
– Sean Fyock, Capitola

“We don’t need or want a TRAIN. Pull up tracks. Sell the iron. Use the funds to build a trail that most of the residents want.”
– Ralph Torrisi, Aptos

“I have wanted this since I moved here, 20 years ago!”
– Kat Ennis, Capitola

“I’m excited about biking to the beautiful places along the corridor, and I don’t think trains will enhance our community.”
– James Barrett, Aptos

“I live in Santa Cruz, and commute to Watsonville. Would much rather take a path than the roads with traffic like I currently do on my bike.”
– Adam Stepanovic, Santa Cruz

“Trail-only is the best solution.”
– David Warren, Soquel

“I sign this mention because a bike trail/walking path is far more fitting to Santa Cruz and the Santa Cruz culture than a Railed Transportation.”
– Cole Lemke, Aptos

“This plan just makes more sense. It is less costly, better on the environment, more neighbor friendly, and supports an active & healthy lifestyle for the people of our community.”
– James Tucker, Aptos

“It won’t be a peace trail to enjoy the wildlife on if you have a train going by while you are listening to nature.”
– Jason Hooz, Santa Cruz

“Let’s use the trail now for the benefit of everyone!”
– Jim Booth, Watsonville

“I’m just not yet convinced regarding the rail business plan. And I am “convinced” by great urban trails such as in Merced, CA.”
– Richard Josephson, Santa Cruz

“I am signing because I see the necessity for a bike path in Santa Cruz. A passenger train in this small seaside community? No thanks!”
– Janice Thurston, Santa Cruz

“It’s a great idea!”
– Christian Zajac, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because I firmly believe that the rail option would be an egregious economic burden on the taxpayers without anywhere near the patronage necessary to reduce usage of Hwy 1 and provide associated environmental benefits throughout the future of our County. A trail for hiking and cycling would link the wonderful parks in our county; it would link to the California coastal trail system. It would make for a healthier community. (Rail would be a costly transportation “Titanic” because, given the scarcity of water and other resources, our county will never have the population density requisite for ridership. Commuters are addicted to driving. Hoping that OTHER commuters will go by train, they will continue to drive - and hardly anyone will take the train. The beneficiaries of the train will be engineering & construction companies while taxpayers foot the bill over 30 years w/o any reduction in highway congestion.) Trail-only, please!”
– Lou Rose, Aptos

“I would utilize this trail every day!”
– Samantha Reek, Aptos

“The tracks aren’t safe or policed. That space should be used for good and safe for tax paying citizens, not the drug users that currently occupy much of the tracks. We used to live on 30th and had an attempted break-in by a transient.”
– Melanie Kitchen, Soquel

“We need a trail! I’m hoping for a first-class bike path that spans from La Selva to Natural Bridges.”
– Michelle Van Schoick, Aptos

“Trail-only, Rail does not make sense at all.”
– Peggy Moore, Soquel

“I would probably use the bike path and maybe do some walking, but not use the rail.”
– Jon Hudson, Santa Cruz

“The Trail would benefit the environment.”
– Robert Xiques, Santa Cruz

“We must have safe alternatives to cars. Because we all need to find alternative ways to move around this county.”
– Karen Card, Santa Cruz

“This plan will contribute positively to commuters, traffic, local exercise, site seeing, our environment, our health and it’s just an all-around win-win for Santa Cruz County residents.”
– Kelly Finneran, Soquel

“I would love to cycle on/through the rail corridor.”
– Carolyn Deboer, Santa Cruz

“I want to have a safe bike path home.”
– Tiffany Smith, Soquel

“I do not want trains running through the neighborhoods of Santa Cruz - train traffic would increase the risk of serious injury, negatively impact traffic, and do little to alleviate commuter traffic. I support a trail.”
– Ron Record, Santa Cruz

“A dedicated rail trail will improve my quality of life. I am in full support of the trail-only Option.”
– Josh Williams, Aptos

“Safer and more economical transportation!”
– Daniel Barraza, Santa Cruz

“This plan makes the most sense. It’s affordable and expeditious. I promise to make use of it several times a week. Do it now!”
– Damian Delezene, Aptos

“I want the rail trail. Would love to be able to ride my bike safely through town and beyond.”
– Jason Nevin, Santa Cruz

“A passenger train would never cover the needs it would have to serve whereas bike friendly infrastructure doesn’t adhere to the same dilemmas. It will be more efficient and cost effective for a bike and pedestrian trail.”
– David Gordon, Santa Cruz

“I fully support a trail-only approach.”
– James Penprase, Aptos

“I can’t stand auto traffic. It is out of control and I love my bike.”
– James Salvino, Capitola

“We have two homes in Aptos and delight in walking in both the Rio del Mar area and the Day Valley area. The trail will be a delight for all who live and visit this area.”
– Judith Hoelscher, Santa Cruz

“It’s the only logical way to use the existing space. And what a great trail it would be for so many to enjoy for both work and pleasure. I will for sure use it to and from work where I would not use a train.”
– Tom Haid, Santa Cruz

“I want this as a person who only cycles! I don’t drive and I fell this is a great safe option for us!”
– Kiyo Gaza, Santa Cruz

“I cycle a lot and would really enjoy a safer option to move about.”
– Kathleen Dempsey, Soquel

“I think we need a trail without the rail. It is too expensive and take too long to build. Use the trail now.”
– Leonard Foreman, Santa Cruz

“I am an avid biker and the community can benefit from this (businesses, health of residents, social connectivity of residents, good use of funding vs function...etc.).”
– Paul Boyer, Santa Cruz

“I think more people would get places on foot or bike. It would be more practical, pleasant, and better for people who live by the tracks.”
– Jennifer Mauerman, Felton

“I really, really want a trail-only scenario. I used to ride my bikes all the time (former triathlete), and want a safe, safe, place to ride. A trail-only scenario will be wonderful! I would never ride my bike right next to a train.”
– Elisabeth Russell, Capitola

“The county roads are gridlocked and I’m tired of it. I will never ride a train. Widen Hwy 1 NOW.”
– Geoffrey Wells, Santa Cruz

“It’s the most environmentally sensible plan that could actually be implemented.”
– Joe Krammer, Santa Cruz

“Rail commuting is not economically feasible in Santa Cruz for the foreseeable future. We need to concentrate our efforts towards realistic solutions.”
– John Van De Veer, Santa Cruz

“I’m a native of Santa Cruz and I completely believe in this future project and all’s it’s supporters! We need everyone to jump on board, NOW!”
– Irene Rinaldi, Santa Cruz

“I don’t want tax dollars spent on a train that few will ride. The cost is to expensive.”
– Tona Drewes, Santa Cruz

“For pedal power! It seems like the best solution. I sold a property on the corridor and after a good deal of personal analysis, and discussion with potential buyers, it seems that the potential for minimal traffic reduction (or possible increase) is not worth the cost and disruptiveness for a rail. Bike and pedestrian option would be awesome!”
– Ted Egner, Santa Cruz

“I’d use this daily.”
– Jason Schock, Santa Cruz

“I’m signing because rail will not solve the traffic problem. So, it makes sense to do what other communities have done (Monterey) and create a safe place for bikers and runners.”
– Jamie Marks, Watsonville

“We need better, more sustainable transportation solutions in our community.”
– Andy Benkert, Ben Lomond

“I now live on the west side of Santa Cruz. The number of cyclists and pedestrians is much higher here but many of the roads are unsafe. I believe more people would get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful community in which we live if we had a safer option. I do not think a rail system is right for our community.”
– Patricia Barnett, Soquel

“Trail-only makes sense. Rail would serve little purpose. I love the trail that stretches from Marina to Pacific Grove.”
– Lauren Leff, Aptos

“I am a biker in Santa Cruz!”
– Ryan Silsbee, Santa Cruz

“I love walking and hiking! This will make our city more active and beautiful.”
– Tara Parcella, Santa Cruz

“I work downtown Santa Cruz and live close to the rail in Capitola. It would be an ideal route for bike commuters.”
– Susan Dayton, Capitola

“I love to ride my bike and I think more people would commute via bicycles if there was a safe, accessible bike path!”
– Miranda Gilmore, Santa Cruz

“I do not want a train through my back yard. I ride my bike on dangerous roads 15 miles a day 4 days a week. I only drive 15 miles a day 2 days a week.”
– Mike Lyon, Aptos

“With the growth of this town, it is important to help our city keep our culture of bike riders safe!”
– Raquel Talarico, Capitola

“I believe that a trail-only solution would be the greatest gift to our community. A place where we can walk and ride bikes for long stretches in peace, alone or with family and friends, will nurture our souls and bodies!”
– Purea Koenig, Corralitos

“I bike.”
– Scott Wilson, Aptos

“Trail, no train, no tracks.”
– Bryan Cockel, Santa Cruz

“We need a trail not a train!”
– Chris Peoples, Aptos

“I believe that a trail-only solution is a cost-effective approach that will benefit the greatest number of community members and tourists without negatively impacting quality of life for local residents.”
– Cindy Melter, Santa Cruz

“This option is the best as it is trail-only and the cost is reasonable compared to the train option.”
– Todd Skelton, Santa Cruz

“Don’t waste a great right of way!”
– Thomas Bonura, Capitola

“Cycling is a part of my family’s daily life and I’d love to have a path for my children to ride on safely to explore our great home!”
– Nick Gosseen, Capitola

“I would use it several times a week.”
– Peter Chester, Santa Cruz

“I ride my bike daily and want the trail now! I do not want any train by my trail! Go trail now!”
– Pamela Matuas, Santa Cruz

“I want a trail-only bike and walk path. Let’s get going on trail-only option NOW.”
– Jeffrey Werner, Santa Cruz

“A bicycle and walking trail as I have experienced in Monterey and also in Minneapolis is an inexpensive way to improve life style and community wellness, we could use here in Santa Cruz county.”
– Leann Bjelle, Scotts Valley

“My house borders the railroad. I don’t want a train there - I want a place where people can walk, bike, skate, etc.”
– Kathy McClure, Santa Cruz

“Practically demands that the rail system not be built. It will be incredibly expensive and there’s been no real data on the expected usage of such a system.”
– Linda Gilcrest, Capitola

“The rail plan is not financially feasible, nor compatible with a safe walking / biking trail.”
– Lyn Hood, Santa Cruz

“I use my bike to get around and having a corridor like this would be amazing. I’d love to see one continue north along the old Davenport cement railway.”
– Keelan Franzen, Santa Cruz

“Go rail to trail!”
– Beth Mason, Santa Cruz

“A great idea!”
– David Moore, Aptos

“I think that in this point in time, the train option is ineffective. If we still had Wrigley’s, Texas Instruments, and Lipton, with large workforce needs on the west side it might be different. At this time, the train would be little more than a very expensive novelty.”
– Charles Steele, Santa Cruz

“I do like the trail idea I do not like the train idea. I would be in favor of a rapid transit bus along that Corridor eventually as well.”
– Jaime Garfield, Santa Cruz

“The cost of having a train is exorbitant, a trail-only solution is best.”
– Wink Saville, Soquel

“I’m a local looking for less congested place to exercise.”
– Laura Wood, Santa Cruz

“It will be an awesome edition to our active community.”
– Suzanne Mace, Aptos

“It’s too late for passenger rail and we are the wrong scale for it.”
– Eric Schmidt, Santa Cruz

“We don’t need a train.”
– Cheryl Weeland, Aptos

“The rail plan makes no economic sense. This should be used for hiking and biking only.”
– John Parda, Capitola

“This is important.”
– David Scott, Santa Cruz

“In favor and hoping this trail won’t become infested with drug addicts like the San Lorenzo River levee project.”
– John Larse, Aptos

“We can’t afford to spend money on a train that will not ease traffic congestion at all. Let’s spend our tax dollars repairing our roads!”
– Karen Hall, Aptos

“The trail will be good for people, the environment and our local economy.”
– Sally-Christine Rodgers, Watsonville

“I’m always in favor of more trails for hiking and biking. I would love to see this happen.”
– Charlotte Multer, Santa Cruz

“I am opposed to the train. Please, trail NO rail!”
– Susan Reddington, Santa Cruz

“We absolutely need this. Safe biking and walking trails should be everywhere here in the county.”
– Rebecca Nolan, Santa Cruz

“Trail-Only makes the most fiscal and environmental sense and railbanking preserves options for the future.”
– Douglas Picard, Santa Cruz

“It would be an amazing addition to a community that already likes to be active. This helps get more cars off the road and keep pedestrians and cyclists safe.”
– Anne Marie Weiss, Santa Cruz

“Santa Cruz has a huge bike community and it surprises me there isn’t a bike designated path/trail to explore Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz County such as 26 mi. The Strand bike trail in L.A. County. I would like to get into leisurely bike riding, and I feel that this - which has such a huge bike community - needs a designated bike path.”
– Sunny Cardona, Santa Cruz

“I also would like a trail for pedestrians and bikers. For me, the only rail option that could make sense down the road would be a solar powered electric monorail high above the pedestrians and bikers. I understand the desire to preserve the option to bring back train tracks. But the cost of doing this will be unbelievably high. Upgrading bridges along the trail will run into the 100’s of millions; and at the same time, it will greatly degrade the quality of the trail option. My preference is the trail portion; getting people out for walks, bike rides, next to mother nature and our wonderful ocean front. This could be done relatively quickly and for a very affordable cost to our communities.”
– Mark Jaffee, Santa Cruz

“I care about clean, quiet, accessible and affordable transportation options.”
– Austin McClure, Santa Cruz

“Walking and bike trails are an important way to get out and exercise.”
– Ellen Dobbs Everlove, Watsonville

“I support BIKES over cars/trains, and People’s health over expensive loud machinery.”
– Andrew Webster, Santa Cruz

“Sorely needed improvement to our community.”
– Ian Butler, Santa Cruz

“Its right.”
– Adam Price, Santa Cruz

“I want our family to have a nice place to walk; no train (i. e. “rail”) Just quiet lovely ambience.”
– Eleanor Hilberman, Santa Cruz

“We have an opportunity to have a gorgeous bike and pedestrian trail that connects our community, is safe, and economical. A train is the definition of a boondoggle! Pull out the tracks and let’s get Santa Cruz moving!”
– Deb Molina, Santa Cruz

“This biking and walking path would benefit this community immensely. What an incredible way to get the family Outdoors together...This is a no-brainer.”
– Frank Ives, Capitola

“I like walking and biking!”
– Isabel Wilson, Santa Cruz

“I love to ride around Santa Cruz.”
– Sandy Moretto, Santa Cruz