Santa Cruz County Greenway

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Iowa Pacific plans to pull out as evidence mounts for Greenway's plan

Iowa Pacific plans to pull out as evidence mounts for Greenway's plan

By Buzz Anderson

The Sentinel published some great news last week for people who want to see Greenway’s safe, affordable, healthy and connected bike and pedestrian network built on the rail corridor. The first is that the RTC has agreed to include a trail-only optionin the upcoming Rail Corridor Study. The second is the fact that Iowa Pacific is bailing out of its contract to provide transportation on the rail line, citing unprofitability. It was also reported last week that Santa Cruz Metro is in need of new buses. The RTC should go all-in on improving the bus system, providing every advantage possible, including dedicated shoulder lanes on the highway. Hopefully, a fleet of smaller, cheaper, 24-seat buses can be purchased for many low-ridership routes. A wide, multi-purpose thoroughfare on the rail corridor, coupled with much-improved bus service is the way to go.